
Leica Zeno Mobile One

Meget nøjagtig og ubesværet GIS-dataregistrering

Leica Zeno Field & Office

Leica Zeno Mobile

Dataindsamling med BYOD (Bring Your Own Device, brug din egen enhed) til Android-telefoner og -tablets.

Leica Zeno Mobile

Leica Zeno Connect

Forbind en hvilken som helst softwareløsning med den superpræcise Zeno GPS.

Leica Zeno Video Series - Leica ZRover - How to stakeout a CAD file

This video shows the CAD support within the ZRover solution, and how you can use a CAD file to stakeout a point feature.

Leica Zeno GIS training videos

Learn how to work with various Leica Zeno software solutions on different hardware platforms.
Learn how to work with various Leica Zeno software solutions on different hardware platforms.