Wissensdatenbank für Fachleute der Öffentlichen Sicherheit
Ganz gleich, ob Sie über herkömmliche manuelle Dokumentationsmethoden hinausgehen oder Ihre Kenntnisse in Bezug auf die Technologie verbessern möchten – unsere Schulungsressourcen unterstützen Sie bei jedem Schritt Ihrer täglichen Arbeit: Umgebungserfassung und -dokumentation; Verwaltung und Analyse gesammelter Daten; Lieferung zuverlässiger und einfach visualisierter Informationen gemäß Ihren Anforderungen.
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German Federal Agency for Technical Relief uses Leica MS60 in emergency situatons
Leica's technology must always work in every crisis situation, and it does! It does so 100% of the time. The system has never let us down.
The good, the bad, and the ugly of laser scanning in collision reconstruction. Mark Crouch in interview
Interview with Mark Crouch, Head of Investigations, FCIR Ltd. "The good is, that 3D laser scanners capture a huge amount of data. The bad is, it's not used to its full potential. The ugly is, lack of discipline in how to handle 3D data sets."
HxGN Live 2022 - KNOTT reconstructs a national spotlight race accident
On August 9th, 2014, NASCAR legend Tony Stewart was racing in a Sprint Car Series event in Canandaigua, NY. During the highly competitive race, Stewart attempted to overtake a fellow racer, Kevin Ward Jr., whose car ended up in the wall. After exiting his vehicle, he was struck by Stewart’s car under a yellow caution flag, resulting in the death of Mr Ward. The case was in the national spotlight, and Knott Laboratory was contracted to reconstruct the event. Their engineers and animators used 3D laser scan data and video footage to reconstruct the event with scientific accuracy. The 3D laser scan data allowed them to apply techniques known as videogrammetry and matchmoving, to provide otherwise unavailable views and analysis of the collision. Their findings proved to be pivotal for the civil case and are the subject of an upcoming documentary on the incident.
Knott Laboratory’s virtual session showcases examples of the Tony Stewart racing accident and the structural analysis of a historical church. In both cases, you will see how laser scan data and analysis technology led to stunning conclusions.