Leica Nova MS60 MultiStation - Kaikkiin mittaustehtäviin

Monitoiminen ratkaisu tarjoaa takymetritoiminnon 3D-laserskannauksella, GNSS-yhteyden sekä digitaaliset kuvaustoiminnot

Leica Nova MS60:n uusi versio, maailman ensimmäinen itseoppiva MultiStation, joka mahdollistaa kaikkien mittaustehtävien suorittamisen yhdellä kojeella. Huipputason anturitoiminnot, joissa yhdistyvät:

  • Ensiluokkaiset takymetritoiminnot

  • Jopa 30 000 pisteen 3D-laserskannaus yhdessä sekunnissa

  • GNSS-yhteys

  • Digitaalinen kuvaus

MS60 sisältää integroidun Leica Captivate-ohjelmiston, joka sisältää kaikkiin mittaustehtäviin tarkoitettuja helppokäyttöisiä sovelluksia. MS60 parantaa tuottavuutta Dynamic Lock -toiminnolla sekä upouudella mullistavalla Autoheight-asetustoiminnolla, joka auttaa suorittamaan asetukset entistä nopeammin ja tarkemmin yhdellä painikkeen painalluksella.

Leica Nova MS60 sopii käytettäväksi seuraavissa sovelluksissa:

  • Pinnat ja tilavuudet rakennus- ja kaivosteollisuudessa: kaivumaa- ja varastokasat, DTM:n luonti ja pintatarkistukset, materiaalien paksuus, räjäytetyt sivut ja maanpinnan tasot
  • Monimutkaisten rakenteiden ja kohteiden analyysit tehdas-, meri- ja putkihankkeissa: mittojen hallinta, toteumat ja tietojen tallennus
  • Rakennusten ja rakenteiden mittaukset: siltojen kunto-/etäisyysanalysoinnit, BIM ja toteumat
  • Julkisivut, korotukset ja kulttuuriperinnöt: perinteisten etusivutuotteiden luonti, 3D-mallit ja kuvien dokumentointi
  • Perinteiset topografiset mittaukset maanmittaukseen ja kartoitukseen: perinteisten lopputuotteiden (esim. 2D-kartat ja 3D-mallit) luonti
  • Maan pintojen ja rakenteiden muodonmuutosvalvonta: rakennusten automaattiset tai säännölliset mittaukset,
    liikenneinfrastruktuuri, luonnon riskialueet, padot ja muut kohteet

Opi hyödyntämään Leica Captivate Inspect Surface -sovellusta: 

Asiakaspalautetta MS60:n käyttämisestä täydellisessä työnkulussa:

Highest-end total station

Highly accurate angle and distance measurements, robust design and easy-to-use apps. With improved automated functionalities, like Dynamic Lock and Autoheight, and the self-learning ARTplus features, the MS60 increases your efficiency, even in the most challenging conditions.
Highly accurate angle and distance measurements, robust design and easy-to-use apps. With improved automated functionalities, like Dynamic Lock and Autoheight, and the self-learning ARTplus features, the MS60 increases your efficiency, even in the most challenging conditions.

3D laser scanning

Scan up to 30,000 points per second (Hz) to complete your work quickly and get dense scanning grids. The MS60 features optimised scanning paths, including zenith scans, allowing you to significantly reduce the total scanning time.
Scan up to 30,000 points per second (Hz) to complete your work quickly and get dense scanning grids. The MS60 features optimised scanning paths, including zenith scans, allowing you to significantly reduce the total scanning time.

GNSS connectivity

GNSS is fully integrated in the workflow and the data structure, enabling direct georeferencing and increasing your flexibility in the field.
GNSS is fully integrated in the workflow and the data structure, enabling direct georeferencing and increasing your flexibility in the field.

Digital imaging

Digital imaging technology, including an overview and a 30x magnifying telescope camera, enables accurate image-assisted surveying both at the instrument and remotely, while also including extended image documentation.
Digital imaging technology, including an overview and a 30x magnifying telescope camera, enables accurate image-assisted surveying both at the instrument and remotely, while also including extended image documentation.

When to use the Leica Nova MS60

Traditional surveying and so much more. Learn ways our scanning total station enables measurement tasks and deliverables for a range of sites and structures.

  • Surfaces and volumes in construction and mining, soil heaps and stockpiles, DTM creation and checking surfaces, material thickness, blast faces and ground levels
  • Analysis of complex structures and objects within plant, marine and utility projects: dimensional control, as-built and record keeping
  • Measuring buildings and structures: bridge condition/clearance analysis, BIM and as-built
  • Facade, elevations and heritage work: creation of traditional deliverables like 2D maps or 3D models
  • Deformation monitoring of structures and ground: automated or periodic measurements of buildings, transportation infrastructure, natural hazards, dams and other objects

Integrated surveying, monitoring and CAD software

  • Leica Captivate - the MS60’s onboard software with easy-to-use apps that cover all your surveying tasks. Includes a range of tools to optimise scanning tasks, like the Inspect Surface app and more.
  • Leica Infinity - an intuitive surveying office software enabling seamless data transfer from the MS60 to the office to manage, process, analyse and quality check your field data.
  • Leica GeoMoS - the automated deformation monitoring software providing movement analysis, reports and notifications
  • Leica Cyclone - point cloud processing, management, collaboration and visualisation software.
  • Leica Cloudworx - CAD plugins that allow you to work efficiently with large point clouds directly in your chosen CAD system
  • Additional Hexagon packages and selected partner software

Featured Content

Highway monitoring enabled by patch scanning

The MS60 was an integral tool for monitoring a busy UK highway during tunnel construction underneath. Using the unique patch scanning feature and monitoring software, drivers could use the roadway while monitoring for movements ensured their safety.
The MS60 was an integral tool for monitoring a busy UK highway during tunnel construction underneath. Using the unique patch scanning feature and monitoring software, drivers could use the roadway while monitoring for movements ensured their safety.

Innovations to the MS60

Learn how the MS60 scanning total station integrates the latest technologies to improve measurement potential across a broad range of applications from one our experts.
Learn how the MS60 scanning total station integrates the latest technologies to improve measurement potential across a broad range of applications from one our experts.

The payoff of a scanning total station

Successful U.S. company Titcomb Associates shares their experience integrating the MS60 into surveying workflows and the resulting safety and business benefits.
Successful U.S. company Titcomb Associates shares their experience integrating the MS60 into surveying workflows and the resulting safety and business benefits.

Leica MS60 MultiStation is fully compatible with: