Leica Cyclone 3DR Touch Mode
Leverage your data in real time and get deliverables directly in the field
Are you ready to leverage your real time data and get deliverables directly in the field with Leica Cyclone 3DR? The new Touch Mode brings the power of Cyclone 3DR into the field on Windows tablets, allowing you to rapidly create accurate deliverables in the field. Enjoy new touch-friendly inspection workflows to deliver results faster and make informed decisions in real-time.
What is Touch Mode?The new Touch Mode feature is a new way of interacting with Cyclone 3DR on Windows-based tablets for in-field applications. It is an expanded capability of your existing licence - no additional purchase required.
Cyclone 3DR is designed to streamline the processing of projects by eliminating the need for in-office data preparation. Users can now conduct key inspection workflows on touch-based devices in the field, benefiting from the accuracy and reliability of Cyclone 3DR desktop software, while delivering results rapidly in the field.
Cyclone 3DR leverages the survey-grade in-field results of Leica Cyclone FIELDWORX as E57 files (plus LGS and PTS files) allowing users to go from raw data to actionable deliverables in a matter of minutes
Touch Mode provides in-field, real-time analysis of captured data coming from P-Series scanners plus all Leica Geosystems and third-party sensors by leveraging existing Cyclone 3DR format support and workflows. Cyclone 3DR’s desktop workflows have been refined and simplified for touch-based devices, making them easy to learn, while retaining their power and accuracy.
The new Cyclone 3DR Touch Mode introduces new efficiency for point cloud processing for AEC and surveying applications. This new capability significantly improves the speed of delivery by allowing users to process data in the field, rather than the office. Real-time analysis allows users to make informed decisions immediately as data becomes available - saving your business time and money.
With Touch Mode, users benefit from new guided workflows dedicated to common in-field applications such as the inspection of installed elements against design intention. BIM Inspection is the first Touch workflow, available to user with Cyclone 3DR AEC Option, Cyclone 3DR AEC Edition and Cyclone 3DR Pro Edition. BIM Inspection is a field-friendly solution to make as-built comparison to design BIM model and to quickly publish informative reports from heatmaps.
How do I use Touch Mode?
Cyclone 3DR Touch Mode can be used on a Windows Surface Touch device directly in the field after data capture with a Leica ScanStation P-Series and a seamless connection to Cyclone FIELDWORX for data acquisition. Touch Mode also makes it easy to directly import and convert point cloud files in LGS and industry standard formats for in-field review and inspection.
With Cyclone 3DR Touch Mode, users can:
Streamlined processing: After scanning, registration and inspection in the field, users can immediately begin working with their data, without an in-office data preparation step.
Save time: Inspection and deliverables from Cyclone 3DR Touch Mode supports rapid decision making and prevents users from waiting to return to the office to make decisions.
Real-time satisfaction: Cyclone 3DR Touch Mode allows users to show the live results to their project stakeholders and clients to help them make immediate, informed decisions in the field.
Making point cloud processing easier: new touch-friendly, wizard-based workflows make the analysis simple enough for even the newest users.
With the introduction of Touch Mode, users now benefit from an integrated in-field deliverable and reporting solution as part of the field-to-finished workflow:
Capture the as-built project with a Leica ScanStation P-Series
Register the captured scan data to Control through Cyclone FIELDWORX
- Process the data in Cyclone 3DR with Touch Mode:
Load the BIM model and Connect to Cyclone FIELDWORX database to import as-built point cloud from the field data
Align and clean the captured 3D point cloud
Compare the design BIM Model to the as-built via simple parameters
Report informed notes from the inspection analysis and export the deliverable immediately in PDF and CSV
How do I get Touch Mode?
Cyclone 3DR Touch Mode is available to all existing Cyclone 3DR users at no extra cost. Any user with a current Cyclone 3DR licence and all future purchases, will receive Touch Mode for the same price. Each released Touch Mode workflow is associated to an appropriate Edition.
What’s next?Automation is becoming more and more important to our users. We aim to design and develop Cyclone 3DR Touch Mode further in the future with new workflows for each major release, new algorithms and more embedded artificial intelligence to assist users with their needs.
Reality capture might be a new environment for many stakeholders and processing point clouds may be difficult to apprehend. New tools with user-friendly workflows combined with a simple-to-understand user interface, will help new users to adopt the latest reality capture solutions.
For more information on Cyclone 3DR Touch Mode, watch this tutorial video. Discover the new interface and see how easy it is to process your entire workflow from data capture to deliverable directly in the field.
Interested? Click here to contact us for more information.
Yannick Stenger
Product Manager, Leica Cyclone 3DR
Reality Capture Division
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