Leica iCON PA10, iCON PA80 és CAS
Valós idejű tudatossági megoldások az építkezés egész helyszínére
A Leica Geosystems egy modulrendszerű biztonságtudatossági megoldást kínál a dolgozók biztonságtudatosságának és a dolgozók és gépkezelők közötti vizuális kapcsolat, a láthatóság növelésére a gépek és emberek, illetve a gépek és tárgyak összeütközésének megelőzése érdekében. A személyzetet értesítő megoldásnak és az ütközéselkerülő technológiának a Leica Geosystems gépvezérlő megoldásaival való integrálásának lehetősége olyan egyedi megoldást kínál, amely fokozhatja a dolgozók tudatosságát és a helyszínen segít megelőzni a baleseteket.
Biztonságtudatossági megoldások
Personal Alert, PA10
Leica PA10 combines a tag worn by personnel moving around on foot that can communicate with all machines and vehicles on a heavy construction site. The solution provides three configurable alert distances around the machine or vehicle and gives audio, visual and vibratory feedback to the pedestrian as well as visual and audible feedback to the machine operator or driver with the goal of creating awareness and a safer working environment.
Machine Control Integration, PA80
PA80 Integrates the personal alert solution with MC1 machine control. The machine operator receives visual and audible warnings directly on the in-cabin display. Pedestrians with a tag can trigger a panic alert that will notify the machine operators or vehicle drivers with PA10 or PA80 within the 50 m range. Integration into MC1 allows for less hardware in the cabin and one point of focus which will increase the operator’s overview of the construction site.
Collision Avoidance, CAS
Add Collision Avoidance technology, CAS, to the PA10 or PA80 solutions to receive warnings of potential collision with a range of up to 800 m. Integrating personal alert and collision avoidance technology with Leica Geosystems machine control offers a unique solution to elevate workers’ awareness and decrease incidents on site.
Visual Aid, VA80
Extend the operator's visibility and capture images with the integration of CRS140 IP Camera and Leica MC1. This plug-and-play IP camera, with a 120 degrees field of view, sends single log points with geographic location to MC1. Capture and sync incident or hazardous situations to both USB and ConX for export.
Tracking and Reporting
Comprehensive logging of events allows for analysis and investigation of incidents to create a safer work environment for all. Reporting and documentation can help your Health and Safety organization to learn about behavior and increase safety, save costs, decrease downtime, and improve productivity.
Leica ConX Safety Awareness Module
The Leica ConX Safety Awareness Module is an ideal add-on to ConX and the Leica iCON PA10, iCON PA80 and CAS solutions. See an overview of all construction site incidents. Filter, visualise and analyse incident data. Become more proactive by taking the proper safety measures to prevent future incidents — increasing safety for workers as well as site assets.