Leica TruView Digital Reality Viewer

Terhubung dengan pemangku kepentingan proyek adalah komponen yang penting dalam keberhasilan proyek. Leica TruView adalah reality capture viewer gratis yang memungkinkan Anda membagikan proyek kepada siapa saja, di mana saja, dan kapan saja. Ini adalah cara yang mudah dan pintar bagi siapa saja di ekosistem proyek Anda untuk mengakses, melihat, menganalisis, dan berkolaborasi menggunakan data realitas digital yang mencakup point cloud, gambar, model desain, anotasi, dan masih banyak lagi. TruView kompatibel dengan file LGS dan Cyclone ENTERPRISE untuk menawarkan pengalaman berbasis desktop atau browser yang menawarkan fleksibilitas untuk terhubung dengan data proyek di berbagai perangkat.

TruView Desktop

Leica TruView Desktop offers the most comprehensive TruView experience with full support for loading models, working with mobile mapping data and experiencing projects in VR. Users can connect to Cyclone ENTERPRISE or work directly with LGS files making it a perfect option for both small and large users. Users gain the greatest benefits for collaboration by working with Cyclone ENTERPRISE.
Leica TruView Desktop offers the most comprehensive TruView experience with full support for loading models, working with mobile mapping data and experiencing projects in...

TruView LIVE

Leica TruView LIVE offers the visualization and collaboration benefits of TruView desktop in a convenient use-anywhere browser-based interface. TruView LIVE is an extension of Cyclone ENTERPRISE ensuring that all users have access to the most up-to date, ready-to-work data, anytime and on any device.
Leica TruView LIVE offers the visualization and collaboration benefits of TruView desktop in a convenient use-anywhere browser-based interface. TruView LIVE is an extension...

TruView Cloud

A cloud-based digital reality platform, Leica TruView Cloud provides lightweight viewing and collaboration for your reality capture workflow with speed, scale, and simplicity in a trusted and managed cloud environment.
A cloud-based digital reality platform, Leica TruView Cloud provides lightweight viewing and collaboration for your reality capture workflow with speed, scale, and...

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