Enhanced imagery, modelling, volumes improve productivity with LISTECH Neo

(MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, 6 July 2016) – LISTECH, a Hexagon Geosystems brand, today announced increased functionality to its new geospatial software Neo, with terrain modelling, volume calculation and imagery offerings.

With an integrated 3D/2D environment for viewing of information with extremely fast graphics in a modern interface, Neo now also offers the creation of an unlimited number of terrain models of any size. Users can quickly add contours at their preferred intervals with full control of label placement and clipping of contour lines. They can calculate and report volumes and areas of cut and fill from models to a base plane. Neo is ideal for combining, editing and moving data between various office and/or field systems. Users can easily design and tailor attribute definitions, create them automatically when importing from another system, or easily add and edit them within Neo.

A clearer picture with enhanced imagery
In this latest update of Neo, the new Image GeoRef module enables crystal clear viewing of images from UAVs, satellites and maps in numerous formats, serving as a backdrop for vector data. Online imagery from services such as the Hexagon Imagery Program (HxIP), Esri World Imagery, OpenStreetMap plus others, can be connected to display dynamic georeferenced images in the new Image Connect module.

RM Surveys, a precision survey firm in Australia specialising in complex infrastructure projects, were one of the first to use Neo. After evaluating a number of other Building Information Modelling (BIM)-to-survey software packages, RM Surveys selected Neo because it was best suited to the firm’s workflows and methodologies.

“We are using LISTECH Neo on a significant infrastructure project, predominately for the conversion of Industry Foundation Class (.IFC) files for use in our Leica Geosystems total stations and GPS survey instruments,” said Neil Foster, RM Surveys technical manager. “The Neo software is complimented by the exceptional software support provided by the team at LISTECH.”

Import and export key data
Neo seamlessly transfers information to and from BIM, GIS, CAD, Field Sensors and various other systems. Enhancements to Neo have made it easier than ever to export to Leica iCON build and import from buildingSMART IFC for more efficient workflows.

To learn more about LISTECH Neo, please visit http://listech.com.

Leica Geosystems – when it has to be right
Od niemal 200 lat rewolucjonizując świat pomiarów i geodezji, Leica Geosystems jest liderem w branży technologii pomiarowych i informacyjnych. Tworzymy całościowe rozwiązania dla profesjonalistów na całym świecie. Firma jest znana z opracowywania innowacyjnych produktów i rozwiązań. Profesjonaliści z różnych branż, takich jak geodezja i inżynieria, budownictwo, bezpieczeństwo i energetyka, ufają produktom Leica Geosystems podczas realizacji zadań geoprzestrzennych. Dzięki dokładnym i precyzyjnym instrumentom, zaawansowanemu oprogramowaniu i wysokiej jakości usługom, Leica Geosystems każdego dnia dostarcza wartość specjalistom kształtującym przyszłość naszego świata.

Leica Geosystems należy do grupy Hexagon (Indeks Nasdaq w Sztokholmie: HEXA B, hexagon.com), wiodącego, globalnego dostawcy technologii informacyjnych, które zwiększają dokładność i wydajność realizacji zadań geoprzestrzennych i prac w przemyśle.

Zespół ds. Komunikacji
Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg
Tel: +41 71 727 3534

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