
Leica Pegasus OFFICE

Mobile mapping office software for efficient managing and processing of mobile mapping data.

Leica Pegasus FIELD

Mobile mapping field software that ensures efficient data collection, offers intelligent AutoCapture and simplifies the workflow from system initialisation to data delivery.

Leica TruView Digital Reality Viewer

Free reality capture viewer for sharing, viewing, analysing and collaborating on captured data.

CloudWorx Viewer for ArcGIS Pro

CloudWorx Viewer for ArcGIS Pro is a free plugin that allows Reality Capture and Mobile Mapping users to load, view, and navigate LGSx files directly in ArcGIS Pro.
CloudWorx Viewer for ArcGIS Pro is a free plugin that allows Reality Capture and Mobile Mapping users to load, view, and navigate LGSx files directly in ArcGIS Pro.

Contact us about Mobile Mapping Solutions

Get in contact with us for more information about our mobile mapping solutions.
Get in contact with us for more information about our mobile mapping solutions.

Reality Capture Newsletter

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Click here to subscribe to our regular newsletter and stay up-to-date on all the latest reality capture news.

User Guide CloudWorx Viewer for ArcGIS

Get comprehensive guidance for CloudWorx Viewer.
Get comprehensive guidance for CloudWorx Viewer.

Sample dataset CloudWorx Viewer for ArcGIS

View real-world sample data for hands-on use.
View real-world sample data for hands-on use.