Filling the need for survey speed
Author: Christine Grahl, June 2016
Timely investments in new solutions help surveyors address the demand for increased accuracy and efficiency within tight budgets.
Clients have always wanted rapid, accurate and complete surveys, but now that they know what’s possible with the newest technologies, their expectations on all fronts have increased. Today, they ask for even greater accuracy, faster turnaround and lower costs. The bottom line is that whatever industry clients are in, from transportation to utilities to construction, they are facing more pressure to ratchet up project requirements.
In the architecture, engineering and construction markets, building information modelling (BIM) has fueled an upsurge in client needs. Surveying professionals are on the line to meet the tight tolerances that an efficient BIM process demands. Because comprehensive data produced quickly and accurately is necessary for successful BIM projects, it’s not surprising that many building designers and contractors now require point clouds captured by laser scanning as part of the project deliverables. Clients in other industries are also tightening their specifications. After all, they too are working with limited budgets and shortened project cycles and cannot afford inaccuracies that lead to cost overuns.
Fortunately, while technology is driving higher client expectations, it also empowers surveying and engineering firms to meet and exceed those requirements. Staying on the leading edge can provide a large payoff in productivity and profitability.
Explore next chapter: Employing the latest solutions to meet client needs
Story: Filling the need for survey speed
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Employing the latest solutions to meet client needs
Chapter 3: Raising the bar on survey excellence
Reporter 75 – Juni 2016
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