Jodi Delorme - Delivering airborne imagery from the sky to the cloud
Operations manager at North West Geomatics
The HxIP provides accurate and current geospatial data captured with Leica Geosystems’ airborne sensors for private and public use, such as urban planning, land use management, forestry inventory, and many other applications related to shaping smart change.
The Content & Engineering Services of Leica Geosystems has partnered with leading airborne com-panies from around the world, just like NWG, to support the HxIP. This Imagery Program is the only high accuracy data base of its kind, with more than 8 million square kilometres of 30-centimetre reso-lution for wide area mapping and 15-centimetre resolution for urban mapping, multispectral aerial im-agery captured using Leica ADS100 airborne sensors available through the cloud and updated on a regular basis.
Jodi ensures quality and timeliness are carefully managed to provide high-quality aerial mapping and related spatial data services. She works closely with partners to ensure the exceptional data is deliv-ered to HxIP global customer base. She and her dedicated team are committed to ensuring ongoing high quality standards of all data accepted in the HxIP.
Jodi and her team strive to maintain high standards of rigorous quality controls by developing smarter methods to get the work done and keep a customer-focus by proactively working with partners. As a result, Jodi and her team helped NWG to stay at the forefront in the aerial photography industry and increase revenue fivefold from 2013 to 2015.
“It’s critical to stress that this is a team effort and a tremendous amount of credit goes to the extremely dedicated groups that I work with in development, acquisition and production. Everyone strives for a product that exceeds specifications, a product they are proud to deliver, and quality they stand
behind,” Jodi explains.
Jodi shapes smart changes by infusing meaning, simplicity and context where an overwhelming vol-ume of data emerges. Providing the big picture where companies can write a narrative that aligns to their own objectives is one face of shaping smart change.
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