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Author: Katherine Lehmuller, May 2016 

Sefiani Enterprises is one of Morocco’s leading firms in public works and civil engineering. It’s core expertise lies in transport infrastructure, and Sefiani has been offering customers technical solutions in asphalt and paving construction for more than 70 years throughout the country.

Recently, Sefiani began working on the high-speed rail line between Tangier to Kénitra, known as the LGV. With trains expected to travel a top speed of 320 kilometres per hour on the new line, it is important that paving quality be perfect. Customers therefore set this as an important condition for Sefiani to fulfil along with reducing operating costs. With these requirements in mind, Sefiani began using the Leica PaveSmart 3D Machine Control system on its asphalt paver.

“It is the first Leica PaveSmart 3D system we sold for an asphalt paving application in Morocco," proudly states Slim Meslameni, Leica Geosystems’ North Africa sales manager. “Our customer informed us that the project’s set targets were easily achieved, using the Leica Geosystems Machine Control solutions. Without a doubt, we have now set a new quality standard in the local paving market.”

Explore next chapter: Excellence in training

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Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Excellence in training
Chapter 3: Superiority in service

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Reporter 74 - May 2016

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