Leica iCON – Overview of Software Releases
Introducing new features and improvements for Leica iCON field software for heavy and building construction
Leica iCON build v8.5: Custom Prism Indicators
The custom prism symbols are now marked with numbers 1 - 3 for easy identification.
Leica iCON build v8.5: Improved Reflector Settings in Setup Wizard
Maintain pre-specified prism settings.
Leica iCON build v8.5: Shift/Offset Improvements
Easily enter and lock offset values for precise as-built measurements, capturing details like column centers or wall midlines.
Leica iCON build v8.5: IFC Surface Staking in Layout Objects
Enabled the selection of individual faces of IFC objects, allowing perpendicular staking to a chosen face.
Leica iCON build v8.5: Sketching improvements
Improved undo/redo, automatic snapping, 3D height checks.
Leica iCON site v8.5: Roading app improvements
Introducing viewing improvements and cross-slope modification possibilities.
Leica iCON site v8.5: IFC support
IFC models are now supported in the Cut & Fill application.
Leica iCON site v8.5: WMS support
Users can utilise preferred Web Map Services (WMS) to visualise their designs on external geospatial data maps.
Leica iCON site v8.2: Surface from point cloud
Users can now create a new surface from point cloud data, apply boundaries, break lines, and more.
Leica iCON build v8.2: Checks App - Support of Arcs and Circles
Checks App now supports complex structures, especially with curved or multiple curved elements.
Leica iCON build v8.2: IFC Slope Indicator
The IFC slope indicator simplifies the construction of multi-grade structures, such as a parking garage.
Leica iCON build v8.2: New Screen Layout
Efficient tasks and intuitive workflows with new iCON screen layout.
Leica iCON site v8.2: New milling app
The differential milling solution is no longer an add-on to “Cut & Fill” and “Roading” applications, but a new, stand-alone application.
Leica iCON site v8.2: HxGN Smartnet PPP profile
HxGN Smartnet PPP profiles enable an optimised workflow when using GNSS correction services.
Leica iCON site v8.2: Job creation in ConX
Jobs can be now created in Leica ConX and seamlessly imported to iCON field, improving data management and user experience.
Leica iCON site v8.2: Easy application switch
Users can now switch faster between different applications directly from the map screen without the need to exit to Home Menu.
Leica iCON build v8.2: TPS Search Vertical Indicator
New Move and Search Wizard offers a real-time feedback on the sensor's vertical angle, speeding up search.
Leica iCON site v8.2: Code groups improvements
Introduced improvements to the code handling, such as making the description visible in the code group preview and creation screen.
Leica iCON site v8.0: Smart Coding
New feature that provides seamless automation, sequentially assigning codes to points.
Leica iCON site v8.0: Grade Checker
Unlock a new dimension of visual analysis within the Volumes and Cut&Fill applications with the new "Grade Checker" tool.
Leica iCON site v8.0: Trench Creation
New feature that allows you to create trench design models, directly on site.
Leica iCON site v8.0: Inherit codes & attributes
With the new Inherit Code tool in the Stakeout application, you can automatically transfer codes and attributes from reference to stakeout points.
Leica iCON field v8.0: Controller Improvements
Introducing new touch screen modes for the Leica iCON CC170 and the Hibernation mode for all iCON controllers.
Leica iCON field v8.0: Dual Slope
The Dual Slopes tool in Volumes application, is designed to simplify surface generation, along the X and/or Y axis of a line.
Leica iCON build v8.0: IFC Visualisation
New visibility modes in iCON field for efficient IFC data management & simplified decision-making.
Leica iCON build v8.0: HxGN GeoCloud Drive Integration
iCON field software fully integrates with HxGN GeoCloud Drive for streamlined data sync and collaboration.
Leica iCON build v8.0: Formwork Deck mode
iCON Formwork Deck mode auto-resumes after level disruptions, boosting workflow efficiency.
Leica iCON build v8.0: Enhanced Prism tracking
Enhanced continuous prism tracking for uninterrupted work.
Leica iCON build v8.0: Leica AP20 AutoPole - Tilt in setups
Enhanced Leica AP20 AutoPole with Tilt for faster setup verification & improved efficiency.
iCON site v7.8: Auto-snap in stakeout applications
The auto-snap mode increases the speed by creating temporary points that can be staked out on the fly.
iCON site v7.8: Surface holes for volumes applications
We introduce the possibility to define surface inner boundaries and remove them from the surface you want to measure.
iCON site v7.8: Temporary Cross Sections in Roading
Automated workflow that allows the user to stakeout out the cross section faster by moving to the point of interest.
iCON site v7.8: iCON site excavator – Bucket calibration
The bucket calibration is now done easily in the iCON site excavator application, using a simple wizard.
iCON build v7.8: Automatic scan point size
The auto scan point size option automatically increases the scan point size for better data visualization.
iCON build v7.8: Coordinate setups with IFC data & Enhanced As-built walls feature
Coordinate-based setup methods now allow you also to select IFC elements.
iCON build v7.8: Leica AP20 AutoPole Tilt status indicator
The AP20 tilt status indicator gives the user information and confidence on the tilt initialisation stability.
iCON field v7.8: The Auto Snap feature
Select the points of interest directly from CAD and IFC elements without the requirement of creating them beforehand.
iCON field v7.8: Improved 3D selection
With iCON field v7.8, we improved selection tools to speed up getting to the required data quicker.
iCON build v7.5: Point Clouds and Verification: New pixel size option
A new viewing option to change the size of a point cloud point to small, medium or large allows better visualisation of point cloud data.
iCON build v7.5: IFC Visualisation & Metadata improvements
Mapped colours are now supported in iCON.
iCON build v7.5: Cloud Connectivity – Autodesk BIM360 Docs
We upgraded our integrations to work with the latest APIs from various providers.
iCON build v7.5: CAD import & export improvements
iCON field software now supports US survey inches.
iCON build v7.5: New, more efficient keyboard layout
We updated the keyboard layout to include the number keys in the main keyboard.
iCON build v7.5: Project Height Shift
Simplified elevation calculations where the height element is above sea level.
iCON build v7.5: Autostake to elevation
With the iCON build 7.5 update, the Stake to Elevation option for Layout Points/Lines and Objects has been enhanced with the autostake option.
iCON build v7.5: Total station search improvements Wait & Lock
With iCON field 7.5, we introduced a new search option, “Wait & Lock,” for the iCON iCR80 and iCON iCR80s sensors with a Dynamic Lock License.
iCON build v7.5: Total station setup graphics
With iCON field 7.5, we now include the graphic option which indicates how good the setup and optimum working area are.
iCON site v7.5: Polyline improvements to boost your workflow
Points from a polyline can be deleted without deleting the whole polyline.
iCON site v7.5: Elevation map and contour lines
In order to stakeout contour lines, a new tool called “Contour Lines” has been introduced in Stakeout application.
iCON site v7.5: Join and break lines
Now it is possible to break polylines into line segments or several smaller polylines by using the new tool “Break Polylines” within the Draw application.
iCON build v7.5: XML and point cloud improvements
It is now possible to import and export point clouds from HeXML.
iCON site v7.5: Leica iCON CC200 - your new on-site partner
With the version 7.5, the iCON field software can now be used with the newly introduced Leica iCON CC200 field controller.
iCON field v7.0: Auto point & line selection
With the iCON field 7.0, we now have a dynamic point and line selection available. Watch the video to learn how this new feature increases the speed of your stakeout routine.
iCON field v7.0: Notification for new releases
Never miss a software update again! With the iCON field version 7.0, you will be automatically notified about all software releases.
iCON field v7.0: Auto staking persistency
Within the MEP and HVAC sectors, auto staking is often used as a primary function. With the iCON field 7.0, the last selection of points is remembered.
iCON field v7.0: CAD import & DXF export improvements
Users often don't know what units were used when importing a design file. The units from CAD files are now automatically recognised.
iCON field v7.0: QR Code for IFC object selection
Explore the usefulness of QR code scanning on prefabricated objects not only in offsite construction.
iCON field v7.0: Prism search default setting
The default search setting is enhanced to automatically perform a cube search and then a power search to find your target. Get back to work as quickly as possible.
iCON field v7.0: Supporting Leica AP20 AutoPole
We are on a mission to overcome the challenges you face daily on a construction site. Enhance your workflows with the AP20.
iCON field v7.0: Verification - Automatic filter
Verification with Point Cloud now includes an automated filter to help remove unwanted data. Speed up your verification workflow.