Leica GMX910 Smart Antenna
The affordable smart antenna for deformation monitoring
With limited budgets, monitoring equipment now has to do a lot more for a lot less. The Leica GMX910 offers monitoring specialists a smart, flexible and cost-effective antenna, equipped with high-end GNSS technology. From static long-term to dynamic high-frequency projects, the GMX910 exceeds monitoring demands – today and tomorrow.
Versatile monitoring all-rounder
The Leica GMX910 is a dedicated monitoring smart antenna designed for continuous operations. Built with flexibility in mind, it is adaptable and upgradable. Monitoring professionals of critical projects can easily create an antenna that suits their needs. From static long-term to dynamic high-frequency projects, the Leica GMX910 is an all-in-one performer.
Future-proof GNSS technology
Exceeding GNSS signal needs today and tomorrow by supplying 555 GNSS channels, the Leica GMX910 monitoring receiver is future-proof, reliably delivering the highest quality results 24/7. It is an
affordable, high quality antenna equipped with cutting-edge GNSS technology. Specialists are guaranteed timely and accurate information on the status of sensitive structures to detect and react to potential problems.
Monitoring solution
Fully integrated in the Leica GeoMoS deformation solution, with seamless connection to Leica GNSS Spider, professionals have one provider for all their monitoring needs. The Leica GMX910 can be easily combined with various monitoring sensors and softwares. Streaming highly reliable GNSS data around-the-clock to monitoring applications of critical man-made or natural structures enables those responsible to have peace-of-mind.
Leica GNSS Spider software solution for GNSS Networks
Leica ComBox60 for monitoring communication
Leica Nivel 210/220 inclination sensor
Leica GM30 GNSS receiver for monitoring
Leica GeoMoS Now! workflow service
Leica GeoMoS Adjustment software
Leica CrossCheck GPS/GNSS deformation monitoring service
Leica SpiderQC GNSS data analysis software
Contact us about Monitoring
HxGN SmartNet
HxGN SmartNet provides trusted GNSS data over more than 5,300 reference stations worldwide.
HxGN SmartNet provides trusted GNSS data over more than 5,300 reference stations worldwide.