Leica Rugby CLA / CLH / CLI

First Upgradable Lasers

The maximum flexibility and the ability to quickly adjust to the job’s needs is vital for your projects. With the Leica Rugby CLA, CLH and CLI you can upgrade your lasers to match your application needs. You pay for the functionality you need to do your job without paying for the extra features that you don’t use. With additional professional services such as repair and calibration you can secure your laser’s exceptional performance for many years.  

Leica Rugby CLA

The Right Choice For Every Application On Site

With the unique capability to adapt to any application needs through software upgrades, the Leica Rugby CLA is the first upgradable laser to maximised productivity and performance on-site. The upgrade options deliver the unmatched performance in any levelling, aligning and squaring tasks, making it a true all-rounder.

Base unit - Use it as a simple to operate, one-button horizontal laser for concrete and formwork levelling, height checking and transferring, and land levelling applications.

Upgrade options
CLX 250 – with manual slope function, slope catch and slope lock, this upgrade makes slope applications, such as ramps and driveways a simple and efficient task
CLX 500 – enabling rotation vertically, the CLX 500 makes the Rugby CLA fit in batterboard, interior and other alignment applications

CLX 600 – adding +-15% fully automatic grade functionality in single axis with a dial-in option, the upgrade delivers the most reliable performance in single slope applications
CLX 700 - adding +-15% fully automatic grade functionality in second axis with a dial-in option, the upgrade delivers the most reliable performance in dual slope applications
CLX 800 – with 20 rps head speed and multiple laser operation via one combo, this upgrade delivers the best results when working with machine guidance system

Leica Rugby CLH

Simplicity At Its Best

Leica Rugby CLH simplicity allows for effortless use of the capabilities of the laser system. It saves time by simplifying processes and making you far more productive. Its robust design secures measurement stability and accuracy for your daily tasks. The upgrade options allow for maximised performance in all levelling applications.

Base unit - Use it as a simple to operate, one-button horizontal laser for concrete and formwork levelling, height checking and transferring, and land levelling applications.

Upgrade options
CLX 200 – with manual slope function, slope catch and slope lock, this upgrade makes slope applications, such as ramps and driveways a simple and efficient task
CLX 300 – adding +-8% semi-automatic grade functionality in single axis with a dial-in option, the upgrade delivers a solid performance in single slope applications
CLX 400 – adding +-8% semi-automatic grade functionality in second axis with a dial-in option, the upgrade delivers a solid performance in dual slope applications

Leica Rugby CLI

The new Leica Rugby CLI comes with unique business models too, opening new business opportunities for Leica Geosystems distribution partners and offering unmatched benefits for end users.

Base unit - Use it as a simple to operate, one-button horizontal laser for concrete and formwork levelling, height checking and transferring, and land levelling applications.

CLX900 - With 20rps head speed and multiple laser operation via one combo, this functionality package fits best the rail and land levelling applications

Leica Rugby CLA /CLH

First upgradable lasers

First upgradable lasers

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