Around the world
Customer Images
Whether it is surveying international airports or working on a prehistoric archaeological excavation, our users are working diligently to further not only the industry but global society.
At Hexagon, we are honoured to be a part of this, supporting them with precise and accurate instruments, sophisticated software and trusted services. We deliver value every day to those shaping the future of our world, and we thank them for all that they do continuously, tirelessly, decisively. Here, we feature a few of our users in the field doing what they do best - shaping smart change for a better world.
Share with us how you are solving complex daily challenges using Geosystems solutions. Send us your photos at to be featured in our Reporter magazine.
Surveying an international airport, Iraq
Surveying at Duhok International Airport in Iraq using Leica GPS1200+ by Zerevan Binavi
Building a shopping centre, Poland
Building a shopping centre in Poland using Leica TS15 by Paweł Plata
Motorway survey, Macedonia
Site survey at motorway A4 in Macedonia using Leica Viva GS15 by Antonio Radevski
Archaeological excavation, Italy
Prehistoric archaeological excavation survey of a rock shelter in Italy using Leica FlexLine TS06 by Gianmarco Loddi
Hydro power project, Malaysia
Survey for hydro power project in Malaysia using Leica Viva TS11 by Sameer Sharma
Airport survey, Switzerland
Frischknecht Jürg from Acht Grad Ost surveying Zurich International Airport in Switzerland using a Leica TCRP1201
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