Leica TruView Desktop
Offered as an online web viewer (TruView LIVE) and desktop viewer (TruView) with synchronised capabilities, the solution delivers robust support for all project data, including point clouds, images, models, and appended Assets. Users of TruView desktop will benefit from the most comprehensive toolset including support for loading new models into TruView projects and viewing them in VR, as well as support for all compatible data sources—LGSx files, Cyclone ENETRPRISE and legacy formats. TruView desktop offers both installed and no-install versions of the product.
- Full integration with Cyclone ENTERPRISE supports simultaneous usage of desktop and browser-based TruView products
- Access GeoTags, Assets and project data upstream from Cyclone FIELD 360, BLK3D, and Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS for universal access to your complete, reality capture project
- Load IFC, OBJ, and COE models via the desktop viewer and save them to both Cyclone ENTERPRISE and LGSx projects to complement point cloud data from Cyclone
- Full GeoTag, Markup and Snapshot capabilities with presentation mode to collaborate and communicate important project details with other users
- Facilitates virtual site visits, resign reviews, retrofit and new install planning remotely with great accuracy.
- User access can be controlled and managed through Cyclone ENTERPRISE’s robust admin portal
TruView makes it easy for anyone to view and share reality capture data. Whether it's data from mobile mapping systems or terrestrial laser scanning solutions, you can see it all on one platform with TruView. The latest release includes upgrades focused on richer measurement options, from pipe snapping and model alignment tools to GeoTag features. To learn more, watch the video below or read our Expert Insight.

TruView LIVE maakt gebruik van JetStream-technologie om volledige projectgegevens te bieden in de webbrowser, inclusief punten, afbeeldingen, modellen en meer - installatie of bestanden zijn niet nodig. Dit geeft gebruikers het volste vertrouwen dat metingen en markups zowel nauwkeurig als direct toegankelijk zijn voor andere gebruikers.
TruView LIVE is volledig geïntegreerd in de robuuste gebruikers- en projectbeheertools van Cyclone ENTERPRISE. Beheer onzichtbaar achter de schermen locaties en projecttoegang, en verleen veilige toegang aan uw wereldwijde netwerk van gebruikers.
TruView LIVE is ook beschikbaar als een geïnstalleerde desktopapplicatie, TruView, voor gebruikers die op een Windows-machine of -tablet werken, op kantoor of onderweg. Gebruikers van de TruView-applicatie voor Windows beschikken over dezelfde weergave- en samenwerkingstools, plus ondersteuning voor het uploaden van modellen.
TruView LIVE is een microkosmos van uw reality-captureprojecten. U heeft toegang tot snapshots/markups, GeoTags, bedrijfsmiddelen, UCS'en en clips, en voeg daarnaast 3D-modellen toe via TruView voor een uitgebreid overzicht van uw project.
Meer weten over TruView LIVE?
Ontdek meer over TruView en hoe u kunt beginnen met weergeven, samenwerken en beheren.
Data Sheets
Leica TruView Cloud
Leica Cyclone WORKFLOW
Leica TruView Cloud
Laser Scanning Software Subscriptions
Technical Specifications
Leica TruView
Leica Cyclone WORKFLOW
Surveying & Engineering
Exact Scan of Two Cooling Towers
Scan Till You Drop
Exploring the Rate of Climate Change from Deep Within the Earth
Game On With Laser Scanning
Fitting Together Pieces of a Puzzle
When Every Millimetre Counts
Creating a New Ski Jump Complex
How Hollis Captures Processes Manages and Delivers Reality Capture Data
Surveying Germany's Biggest Aqua Park
Capturing Reality in One of the World's Busiest Airports
Laser Scanning has Transformed Efficiency for Faithful Registered Surveying in Japan
Building Construction / AEC
Reality Capture for BIM
From Paper Maps to Laser Scans
Speeding Up BIM Reconstruction of Historical Building with Laser Scanning
From Tape to Point Cloud
Using Laser Scanning Technology for Retail Redevelopment
Bringing BIM4ALL
Gilbert Ash Constructs Mayhew Theatre at the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Creating the First Digital Shopping Center in Peru
Digital Twins for Manufacturing Facilities to Optimise Operations
Advancing Mexico's Transportation Infrastructure
Improving the Railway Infrastructure of a Capital City
Scans, Spans and Automobiles
Mirroring Reality for Rail
Setting the World’s Shortest Railway Back on Track
Protecting Heritage with Upgraded Rail Clearance
Plants & Ships
Plain Sailing with 3D Plant Design
SOS Shipbuilding on Scans
Sweet Success in Plant Documentation
Bringing Safety Productivity with Laser Scanning
Leica Geosystems Laser Scanners and Hexagon PPM 3D Design Software Access 'True Reality'
Revolutionising the Luxury Yacht Building Industry with Laser Scanning
How Element6 Delivers the Future of Plant Engineering with Laser Scanning
Renovating Complex Structures with 3D Laser Scanning
Fighting Time and Tide to Capture a 5 Hectare Coastal Construction Site in 3D
Recipe for Success: 3D Laser Scanning for Tank Inspections
Public Safety
How Johnsons County is Recreating Crime Scenes with Laser Scanning
Changing the Game for Public Safety Professionals with the World's Fastest Laser Scanner
Transforming Reality into Photorealistic Virtual Reality with Laser Scanning
The Reality Capture Of Ellis Island
Digitising the Mighty Taj Mahal
Predicting the Future by Analysing the Past
The Lower the Safer
Preserving Mankind's Past from Mother Natures Quakes
Transforming Ayacucho into a Digital City
Digitalising Frank Lloyd Wrights Desert Laboratory
Digitalising The Spanish Royal Palace with Laser Scanning
Digitally Preserving Hukuru Miskiy
Capturing Egypt's Sistine Chapel with the BLK360
Unveiling the Mystery - An Ancient Water Clock with Laser Scanning
Preserving Romania's Speleological Heritage with Point Cloud and GNSS Data
Rescue Mission: Using Reality Capture to Plan the Redevelopment of a Former Convent
Heritage-BIM Model To Future Proof An Opera House
From the Laser Scanner to the Office in Near Real Time
Science & Education
Protecting the Alpine Rhine Valley from Flooding
Media & Entertainment
Blockbuster Scanning: Using LiDAR for Joker & John Wick
Laser Scanners
Leica BLK2GO
Leica BLK360
Leica RTC360
Leica ScanStation P30 / P40
Leica ScanStation P50
Leica Cyclone
Leica CloudWorx
Leica TruView
Leica Map360
3D Laser Scanning Accessories