First true tilt compensation GNSS is next evolution of Leica Captivate Experience

Users are no longer required to hold the pole vertical

Leica GS18 T - Fastest GNSS RTK rover
(Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 26 September 2017) – Leica Geosystems, industry leader of measurement technology, announced today the Leica GS18 T, the world’s fastest GNSS RTK rover, and the latest versions of Leica Captivate field software and Leica Infinity office software.
This latest announcement further expands the Leica Captivate Experience. With the addition of calibration-free GNSS and various upgrades to the Captivate field software and Infinity office software, users continue the immersive experience with self-learning GNSS and engaging, intuitive software interfaces.  
“In my business, speed is the name of the game. With my GS16, I’ve been able to reduce time spent on every project. I can only see this getting faster and improving efficiency with the GS18,” said Manny Sangha, owner of Sangha Geomatics & Land Survey Inc. in Vanderhoof, Canada. “No longer having to level the pole nor calibrate the system, this is a real value for me and a game-changer in the industry.”

Introducing calibration-free tilt compensating GNSS

As the world’s fastest GNSS RTK rover, the GS18 T is the first calibration-free tilt compensating GNSS solution immune to magnetic disturbances. GNSS measurements can be taken from any position on site, saving users up to 20 per cent of time in the field over conventional surveying practices as you no longer need to hold the pole vertical to level the bubble. As the only GNSS RTK rover to use precise enough inertial measuring units (IMUs) and not a compass, users can measure with a tilted pole close to buildings, underneath cars and close to metallic objects.

With integrated quality assurance, the GS18 T records exactly how the pole was levelled during the measurement. The GS18 T then stores the values, ensuring measurement traceability and complete quality reporting. Easy-to-use, the new GNSS RTK rover ensures users and managers increased productivity and less time on site.

"The GS18 T represents our commitment to innovation and providing the best user experience possible," said Bernhard Richter, Leica Geosystems GNSS business director. "Without the need to level any longer, users can find new opportunities in their businesses with the time and effort saved."  

Updates to field and office software to support new tilt functionality

Fully supporting the GS18 T, Leica Captivate v3.0 field software and Leica Infinity v2.4 office software now offer users a more immersive means of control on site and at the desk.  

Captivate now allows configuration of the GS18 T for all measuring and staking applications and the visualisation of tilt compensated measurements. Measured data can be directly imported into Infinity or exported into a variety of formats suitable for CAD packages. Within Infinity, users can visualise the measured data, including the creation of reports providing full traceability and quality assurance for themselves and their clients.  
“We consistently evolve the Leica Captivate Experience based upon our customer’s needs,” said Richter. “These updates to the Captivate and Infinity software show a dedication to not only improving our offering but also a commitment to providing an excellent user experience.”

For more information about the GS18 T GNSS RTK rover, please visit
For more information about the upgraded Leica Captivate Experience, please visit
О компании Leica Geosystems

На протяжении 200 лет компания Leica Geosystems, входящая в состав группы компаний Hexagon, радикально меняет мир геодезии и измерений, создавая решения, которые используют специалисты по всей планете. Благодаря продуктам премиум класса и инновационным решениям, профессионалы в таких сферах, как аэрокосмическая промышленность и оборона, общественная безопасность, строительство и производство, доверяют решение своих геопространственных задач компании Leica Geosystems. Поставляя высокоточные приборы, разрабатывая передовое программное обеспечение и оказывая качественные услуги, Leica Geosystems каждый день вносит свой вклад в работу тех, кто создаёт будущее нашего мира.

Группа компаний Hexagon — мировой лидер по производству приборов, программного обеспечения и автономных решений. Наши решения позволяют использовать данные для повышения эффективности, производительности и качества работы в таких областях, как промышленность, производство, инфраструктура, безопасность и мобильные технологии.

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Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg

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