Design & Capture

Provide construction crews with the most accurate models to start road & highway design the right way.

There's an App for that.
Leica Captivate Road App - Streamlining road alignment tasks

Efficiently collect high-quality geospatial data for new and existing roads and highways so you can complete and deliver projects in less time, reducing project costs and increasing safety. Establish precise survey control networks, capture natural surfaces through topographical surveys, and ensure safe excavation by mapping buried utilities.

Effiziente Datenerfassung

Das Vermessen von Transportinfrastruktur ist eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe. Mehrere Objekte müssen innerhalb kürzester Zeit vermessen werden, während Straßen offen und Störungen auf ein Minimum beschränkt bleiben müssen. Zudem stellt die Datenerfassung an Straßen unter laufendem Verkehr für Vermessungsingenieure ein gefährliche Aufgabe dar. Unsere intelligenten Lösungen ermöglichen eine schnellere Datenerfassung und minimieren zugleich die Risiken für Ihre Mitarbeiter.

Egal, ob Einzelpunkte mit einem intelligenten Lotstab mit Neigungskompensation oder Millionen von Punkten mit Mobile-Mapping-Systemen erfasst werden – unsere Lösungen erhöhen die Sicherheit, indem sie Ihre Mitarbeiter aus der Gefahrenzone halten. Ausgestattet mit unseren Reality-Capture-Lösungen können Sie Hunderte von Kilometern pro Tag erfassen und damit Projekte in weniger Zeit, zu geringeren Kosten und mit verbesserter Sicherheit durchführen und liefern.

Create digital twins

Increasingly, clients demand digital representations of reality, such as digital twins and BIM. Having a digital representation of the real world to begin the design phase enhances chances of successful project execution.

Provide the most accurate and complete digital twins so projects have the best chance of being completed on time, within budget and with minimal rework. Our reality capture solutions empower you to collect 3D point clouds and create digital twins that form the basis for creating designs that are transferred to construction teams to complete the digital process. Our digital solutions maximise interoperability by supporting international file formats, including IFC.

Maximise data collaboration

When stakeholders have access to the right data at the right time onsite or remotely, designs can be created or updated with confidence. Projects are more efficient and transparent when data can be visualised and accessed, helping to manage and communicate change, track progress and sign-off completion of tasks.

Whether you create complete digital twins or capture and stake out point by point, Leica Geosystems cloud software enables data updates, transfer and access so your whole team stays aligned and working on the same current models. Our software is fully compatible for straightforward exchange with third-party CAD and BIM systems.

Entdecken Sie unsere Lösungen für das Entwerfen und Erfassen von Straßen und Autobahnen

Establish high-quality survey control for your road & highway project

The most accurate total stations, field software and GNSS

Leica Geosystems provides a complete portfolio of total stations and GNSS solutions to ensure projects start with the most accurate control to keep them on track. Leica Captivate software delivers rigorous results in the field to ensure confidence before leaving the site.

Industry-leading accuracy with Leica Geosystems digital levels

Leica Geosystems’ digital levels provide industry-leading accuracy levelling. With image-assisted aiming and autofocus, efficiency is maximised and user fatigue is minimised. Onboard applications ensure that results can be verified onsite to avoid costly revisits.

Perform rigorous network adjustment with Leica Infinity or MicroSurvey STAR*NET

Once data collection is completed for the site control network, final coordinates are delivered after a network adjustment. Both Leica Infinity and MicroSurvey STAR*NET are designed to integrate measurements from all sensors to provide adjustment. Adjusted coordinates can be shared with field teams via GeoCloud Drive, powered by HxDR or directly uploaded for onsite use.

Capture accurate and complete digital twins for your road and highway project

Transform the way you work onsite and boost productivity

Capturing the detailed site conditions is essential to create accurate designs before progressing with construction activities. Maximise efficiency with the Leica TS16 and the Leica AP20 AutoPole. With Leica Captivate field software, you can capture all point and line features in the field to ensure minimal post-processing in the office and create deliverables ready for design activities to begin.

Cover a large area with great detail using mobile mapping and laser scanners

Both mobile mapping systems and laser scanners can significantly increase the efficiency of creating a digital twin to prepare for construction design. The Pegasus TRK solution is designed to capture geospatial data of large areas that allow vehicle access. Allowing single-person operation of hardware and software as well as onboard data processing, the TRK supports a safe operation, does not require road closures, and saves high costs. For smaller areas, the Leica ScanStation P-Series deliver high-quality 3D data, collect up to 1 mio points per second, and ranges up to 1 km. Point clouds from mobile mapping and laser scanning provide a detailed digital twin that allows construction design to begin with confidence.

Assess your project feasibility with Hexagon Content Program

Leverage the most extensive library of high-resolution aerial imagery and elevation data of the U.S. and Europe. Hexagon Content Program provides high-accuracy Digital Surface Models (DSM) of land surface and above-ground features in raster or point cloud format that can be used for your initial design, planning, and assessing project feasibility.

Make the subsurface visible with the highest accuracy solution

Increase safety with Leica DSX utility detection solution

Safety is paramount in construction, and knowing everything about the site before beginning construction is essential to ensure safety. Easily detect and map underground utilities with the Leica DSX utility detection solution. The Leica DSX maximises productivity with cutting-edge software that automates data analysis and creates a 3D utility map in the field. The utility map can then be exported to leading CAD formats and directly imported to Leica Geosystems Machine Control software to increase safety by avoiding utility strikes during construction.

Capture underground utility assets with Stream UP

Map underground utilities on extensive areas with Stream UP. This Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) system allows you to capture at high-speed underground utility assets in urban environments faster and safer than any other GPR system. Thanks to a more straightforward assembly process, real-time data processing with IQMaps, and no need for an escort vehicle, there is no need to slow down the traffic.

Raise productivity to the next level with AiMaps

AiMaps is a SaaS solution leveraging Artificial Intelligence for new smart productivity in utility surveying, and it is fully integrated with the existing IDS GeoRadar IQMaps. AiMaps drives downtime and workload in radar data processing and provides an intuitive and easy-to-use interface. Save up to 70% in underground utility analysis and extraction process.

Visualise and share between different CAD and BIM systems pre-construction deliverables

Plan, control, collect and process data

Every road project is unique. Leica Infinity provides tools to create road designs and imports design data from all major road design packages. In Infinity, designs can be quality checked before being prepared and sent directly to Leica Captivate or cloud services Leica ConX and GeoCloud Drive, powered by HxDR. With Infinity and Captivate field software, you can get direct access to your AutoDesk BIM 360° account or Brics 24/7 to ensure efficient access to the latest design data.

From simple to complex roads and highways designs

BricsCAD, MicroSurvey CAD, and LISCAD provide intuitive tools to create both string line and cross-section-based designs for simple and complex roads and highways designs. Once the design is complete and verified, export to Leica Captivate and Leica iCON field software is simple, and field stake out and checking can immediately proceed. LISTECH Neo provides wide range of Xchange modules that seamlessly share data between attribute rich systems BIM, CAD and Leica Geosystems field sensors.


Customer success stories

70 Miles of highway mapping to full engineering design in 99 days

Find out how E.L Robinson Engineering completed a demanding 70-mile highway mapping project in only 99 days in the United States.
Find out how E.L Robinson Engineering completed a demanding 70-mile highway mapping project in only 99 days in the United States.

Triple I: Innovation in India

When the public works department of the Maharashtra government in India wanted the as-built road in India, they turned to Prashant Surveys, a land surveying company specialising in 3D mobile mapping.
When the public works department of the Maharashtra government in India wanted the as-built road in India, they turned to Prashant Surveys, a land surveying company specialising in 3D mobile mapping.

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Wie komplex Ihre Aufgaben auch sein mögen, in unserem umfassenden Angebot an Lösungen zum Vermessen, Positionieren, Visualisieren und Zusammenarbeiten finden Sie immer eine Lösung, mit der Sie erfolgreich und effizienter arbeiten können.

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Wie komplex Ihre Aufgabe auch sein mag, in unserem umfassenden Angebot an Lösungen zum Vermessen, Positionieren und Visualisieren finden Sie immer eine Lösung, mit der Sie erfolgreich und effizienter zusammenarbeiten können.
Wie komplex Ihre Aufgabe auch sein mag, in unserem umfassenden Angebot an Lösungen zum Vermessen, Positionieren und Visualisieren finden Sie immer eine Lösung, mit der Sie erfolgreich und effizienter zusammenarbeiten können.


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Steigern Sie Ihre Kompetenzen, um effizienter zu sein und Chancen für Geschäftsmöglichkeiten besser wahrzunehmen. Erweitern Sie Ihr Potenzial, den Kunden bessere, schnellere und spezialisiertere Dienstleistungen anzubieten.