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Content Hub for Construction Software and Sensors

Explore Leica iCON related case studies, expert insights, videos, blog posts and more.


Leica iCON build v8.0: IFC Visualisation

New visibility modes in iCON field for efficient IFC data management & simplified decision-making.


Leica iCON build v8.0: HxGN GeoCloud Drive Integration

iCON field software fully integrates with HxGN GeoCloud Drive for streamlined data sync and collaboration.


Leica iCON build v8.0: Formwork Deck mode

iCON Formwork Deck mode auto-resumes after level disruptions, boosting workflow efficiency.


Leica iCON build v8.0: Enhanced Prism tracking

Enhanced continuous prism tracking for uninterrupted work.


Leica iCON build v8.0: Leica AP20 AutoPole - Tilt in setups

Enhanced Leica AP20 AutoPole with Tilt for faster setup verification & improved efficiency.

Video_GreyLeica iCON site v7.8 Surface holes for volumes applications

iCON site v7.8: Surface holes for volumes applications

We introduce the possibility to define surface inner boundaries and remove them from the surface you want to measure.

Video_GreyLeica iCON site v7.8 Temporary Cross Sections in Roading

iCON site v7.8: Temporary Cross Sections in Roading

Automated workflow that allows the user to stakeout out the cross section faster by moving to the point of interest.

Video_GreyLeica iCON site v7.8 Auto-snap in stakeout applications

iCON site v7.8: Auto-snap in stakeout applications

The auto-snap mode increases the speed by creating temporary points that can be staked out on the fly. 

Video_GreyLeica iCON site v7.8 iCON site excavator – Bucket calibration and more

iCON site v7.8: iCON site excavator – Bucket calibration

The bucket calibration is now done easily in the iCON site excavator application, using a simple wizard.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field v7.5: Point Clouds and Verification: New pixel size option

iCON build v7.5: Point Clouds and Verification: New pixel size option

A new viewing option to change the size of a point cloud point to small, medium or large allows better visualisation of point cloud data.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field v7.5: Cloud Connectivity – Autodesk BIM360 Docs

iCON build v7.5: Cloud Connectivity – Autodesk BIM360 Docs

We upgraded our integrations to work with the latest APIs from various providers.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field v7.5: New, more efficient keyboard layout

iCON build v7.5: New, more efficient keyboard layout

We updated the keyboard layout to include the number keys in the main keyboard.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field v7.5: IFC Visualisation & Metadata improvements

iCON build v7.5: IFC Visualisation & Metadata improvements

Mapped colours are now supported in iCON. 

Video_GreyLeica iCON field v7.5: CAD import & export improvements

iCON build v7.5: CAD import & export improvements

iCON field software now supports US survey inches.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field v7.5: Total station search improvements: Wait & lock

iCON build v7.5: Total station search improvements Wait & Lock

With iCON field 7.5, we introduced a new search option, “Wait & Lock,” for the iCON iCR80 and iCON iCR80s sensors with a Dynamic Lock License.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field v7.5: Total station setup graphics

iCON build v7.5: Total station setup graphics

With iCON field 7.5, we now include the graphic option which indicates how good the setup and optimum working area are.

Video_GreyLeica iCON build v7.5: Project Height Shift

iCON build v7.5: Project Height Shift

Simplified elevation calculations where the height element is above sea level. 


iCON site v7.5: Polyline improvements to boost your workflow

Points from a polyline can be deleted without deleting the whole polyline.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field v7.5: Autostake to elevation

iCON build v7.5: Autostake to elevation

With the iCON build 7.5 update, the Stake to Elevation option for Layout Points/Lines and Objects has been enhanced with the autostake option.

Video_GreyLeica iCON site version 7.5: Join and break lines

iCON site v7.5: Join and break lines

Now it is possible to break polylines into line segments or several smaller polylines by using the new tool “Break Polylines” within the Draw application.

Video_GreyLeica iCON site version 7.5: Leica iCON CC200 - your new on-site partner

iCON site v7.5: Leica iCON CC200 - your new on-site partner

With the version 7.5, the iCON field software can now be used with the newly introduced Leica iCON CC200 field controller.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field v7.5: XML and point cloud improvements

iCON build v7.5: XML and point cloud improvements

It is now possible to import and export point clouds from HeXML.


iCON site v7.5: Elevation map and contour lines

In order to stakeout contour lines, a new tool called “Contour Lines” has been introduced in Stakeout application.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field construction software 7 version - Auto staking persistency

iCON field v7.0: Auto staking persistency

Within the MEP and HVAC sectors, auto staking is often used as a primary function. With the iCON field 7.0, the last selection of points is remembered.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field construction software 7 version - CAD import DXF export improvements

iCON field v7.0: CAD import & DXF export improvements

Users often don't know what units were used when importing a design file. The units from CAD files are now automatically recognised.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field construction software version 7 - Notification for new releases

iCON field v7.0: Notification for new releases

Never miss a software update again! With the iCON field version 7.0, you will be automatically notified about all software releases.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field construction software version 7 - Auto point line selection

iCON field v7.0: Auto point & line selection

With the iCON field 7.0, we now have a dynamic point and line selection available. Watch the video to learn how this new feature increases the speed of your stakeout routine.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field construction software 7 version - Prism search default setting

iCON field v7.0: Prism search default setting

The default search setting is enhanced to automatically perform a cube search and then a power search to find your target. Get back to work as quickly as possible.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field version 7 -QR code for IFC object selection

iCON field v7.0: QR Code for IFC object selection

Explore the usefulness of QR code scanning on prefabricated objects not only in offsite construction.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field software version 7 - Verification new automatic filter of scan data

iCON field v7.0: Verification - Automatic filter

Verification with Point Cloud now includes an automated filter to help remove unwanted data. Speed up your verification workflow.

Video_GreyLeica iCON field construction software 7 version - Supporting Leica AP20 AutoPole

iCON field v7.0: Supporting Leica AP20 AutoPole

We are on a mission to overcome the challenges you face daily on a construction site. Enhance your workflows with the AP20.


iCON field v7.8: Funkcja automatycznego przyciągania - ulepszone tyczenie z projektów cyfrowych

Wybierz punkty zainteresowania bezpośrednio z elementów CAD i IFC bez konieczności ich uprzedniego tworzenia.


iCON build v7.8: Wskaźnik stanu pochylenia Leica AP20 AutoPole

Wskaźnik stanu pochylenia AP20 daje użytkownikowi informacje i pewność co do stabilności inicjalizacji pochylenia.


iCON build v7.8: Koordynacja ustawień z danymi IFC i ulepszona funkcja ścian powykonawczych

Metody konfiguracji oparte na współrzędnych umożliwiają teraz także wybór elementów IFC.


iCON build v7.8: Automatyczny rozmiar punktu skanowania

Opcja automatycznego rozmiaru punktu skanowania automatycznie zwiększa rozmiar punktu skanowania w celu lepszej wizualizacji danych.


iCON field v7.8: Ulepszona selekcja 3D

W iCON field v7.8 ulepszyliśmy narzędzia wyboru, aby przyspieszyć dotarcie do wymaganych danych.