Leica ConX – Soluzione cloud e interfaccia web per condividere e visualizzare i dati
Piattaforma di collaborazione cloud aperta, semplice e intuitiva per gestire e trasferire i dati.
Leica ConX è uno strumento di collaborazione basato su cloud che consente di gestire in modo efficiente tutti i progetti di costruzione connessi e di condividere i dati relativi al lavoro con tutte le parti interessate. Leica ConX consente di visualizzare e convalidare modelli di riferimento localizzati nonché dati di rilievo e di costruzione con potenti strumenti di analisi per monitorare e documentare la produttività del sito.
- Visualizzazione dei progetti localizzati su una mappa di progettazione 3D per una convalida dei dati rapida e semplice
- Condivisione automatica di progetti e aggiornamenti in 3D e possibilità di assegnarli a macchine e addetti al rilievo
- Connessione delle applicazioni per computer desktop di Leica ai progetti ConX per la condivisione diretta dei dati tra l'ufficio e il cantiere
- Aggregazione in tempo reale dei punti misurati da tutti i sensori collegati.
- Potente strumento di analisi di taglio e riempimento in tempo reale per monitorare lo stato di avanzamento del progetto.
- Calcolo del volume per l'analisi e la reportistica automatica della produttività del progetto
Transparency and real time connectivity
This cloud-based collaboration tool allows you to efficiently manage all your connected construction projects, including third party platforms, and share job-related data with all stakeholders. With Leica ConX, even non-experienced users will be able to visualise and validate localised reference models, survey data and constructed data. Leica ConX provides you the fast and easy-to-use web based suite of tools you need to get the job done quicker, more efficiently and to specification.
Cut/Fill analyses and volumetric progress tracking
The initial surface can be sourced from terrestrial or aerial surveys or simply as files from desktop or third party applications. All measured points from machines or field surveyors can be used to create surfaces that allow for surface comparisons for grade checking and cut fill analysis. As-built information sent back to ConX are used to create 3D cut/fill maps that allow you to visualise project progress in real time. Volumetric changes are presented in an easy-to-read dashboard for reporting project productivity.
Digital 3D project environment
Get a quick overview of the project progress with easy access to all critical project information on the ConX 3D page. Visualise in real-time reference models, unit location’s history and as-built data information. Take advantage of the as-built data measured with the surface logging functionality of MC1 for progress tracking, reporting and model creation.
ConX Safety Awareness Module
All incident data from the Leica iCON PA10, iCON PA80 and iCON CAS solutions are collected in Leica ConX Safety Awareness Module, providing new possibilities for proactive safety measures. Now safety managers can analyse incident data from reports and a built-in KPI dashboard, which are supported by a heatmap of the incident location indicating the highest-risk areas on the construction site. By tracking and measuring incidents, they will be able to make data-driven decisions to improve the on-site safety of construction workers and other assets.
Remote support and trouble shooting
Minimise operator downtime with remote real-time communication between office and machine for troubleshooting, on-the-fly training and setup without travel costs and delays.
The EarthMover is an add-on solution to the Leica ConX platform to support material hauling management for contractors. Dump truck operators can log all haul data (load & unload position, time & date, material type, and volume) on their smart device and sync the information to ConX. Based on this information, project managers can monitor the earthmoving activities on site and create progress reports for key stakeholders or their customers. The EarthMover app enhances digital reporting, is easy to use, and is available for Android and iOS operating systems.
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Leica ConX
Efficient management of all your connected construction projects and real time exchange of job-related data with all stakeholders.
Efficient management of all your connected construction projects and real time exchange of job-related data with all stakeholders.
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