Meet the pro behind HxGN LIVE Geosystems Geospatial Solutions sub track
Leica Geosystems professionals have been hard at work planning the Geosystems sub-tracks for this year’s HxGN LIVE.
A one-man show is behind the Geospatial Solutions sub-track, covering surveying and measurement solutions from land, air and water.
Presenting the pro
Ready for the scoop? Here’s an exclusive interview with mastermind behind the Geospatial Solutions sub-track, offering presentations, demonstrations and special events surrounding airborne, UAV and mobile mapping solutions.
Meet the pro behind HxGN LIVE Geosystems Geospatial Solutions sub-track Wolfgang Hesse, strategic marketing manager for the Geospatial Solutions Division, has been working at Leica Geosystems for two years. For this year’s international conference and exhibition, he is coordinating the search for interesting projects and speakers, approving presentations, supporting conference promotions, organising rooms and equipment for presentations and GSD products for exhibition in The Zone, taking care of customers and special events, and serving as the moderator for all sub-track presentations.
“This year’s conference offers an exciting lineup of unique speakers with projects from around the world,” said Hesse. “Attendees will enjoy a wide range of presentations and network with several colleagues in the geospatial industry.”
1) What is the Geospatial Solutions sub-track about?
In this sub-track, attendees are going to experience the newest applications, developments, products and solutions in airborne surveying, mobile mapping and UAV.
2) What is the key takeaway for participants?
The exposure to geospatial applications and solutions from around the world from leading experts in the field.
3) Who should sign up for the Geospatial Solutions sub-track and why?
The Geospatial Solutions sub-track has been developed for open-minded people who fill positions in management, key decision making, science or application engineering. All users and companies, though, interested in new geospatial technologies are encouraged to register.
4) How will this sub-track prepare professionals for the ever-evolving work environment?
We will showcase new technologies and developments as well as the latest innovations that will help our existing and new customers to remain competitive in a fast-changing and competitive market place. This sub-track is more than about new toys and tools, however, it is about the plethora of possibilities that our extensive portfolio offers to those who need answers to the many real-world geospatial questions and challenges we are facing today. If you need to locate a powerline, identify the best place to put a solar panel or if you need to identify volumetric changes in a mine pile, our portfolio offers unlimited opportunities to find answers quickly and efficiently and act accordingly.
5) What one word best describes this sub-track? Please explain.
Focus – We may offer the world’s most comprehensive portfolio of geospatial technologies, but we are entirely focused on customers and their needs.
6) Any last comments?
Come and see! A picture says more than a thousand words, but there’s nothing better than talking to peers – face to face – in real life.
For more information about the Geospatial Solutions sub-track, contact Wolfgang Hesse at
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