New Leica Zeno GG04 smart antenna increases access to GIS, enhances tracking performance
Smart devices can now provide survey-grade results
Paired with the Zeno GG04, any Zeno or third party mobile device with Android or Windows OS can now collect highly-precise positioning data with Leica Geosystems’ GNSS technology and industry-leading 555-channel tracking performance. With PPP, users can collect data even in areas without cellular coverage. The bring-your-own-device (BYOD) functionality enables any smart device to collect survey-grade data, delivering centimetre results.
"We're excited to hear about the new Zeno Connect for Android. Being able to connect any Android device to the new GG04 antenna and use it for field data capture is a real game-changer,” said Zenny Chareas, project manager at PeopleGIS, a firm that builds web-based database applications for field collection currently using the Leica Zeno GG03. “Our clients have been eagerly anticipating this type of functionality, and it's pretty cool that we now have a solution for them."
Precise geopositioning just an app away
With the Zeno Connect app, any third-party app is compatible with the Zeno GG04 smart antenna. The Zeno Mobile, Zeno Connect or Esri’s Collector for ArcGIS apps provide an easy and familiar platform for non-surveying professionals to collect and analyse data. Organisation can now integrate and enrich data in real time from different sources to collect all details of any project from anywhere in the world, regardless of how remote.
“Wherever users are working, despite, how rough the environment, the Zeno GG04 ensures all needed data is easily and accurately collected,” said Alexander Fischer, Leica Geosystems Zeno product manager. “The flexibility offered by turning our most common devices into precise instruments increases access to the geopositioning world, and this is certainly an exciting advancement to share technology and information with new segments.”
To learn more about the Leica Zeno GG04 smart antenna, visit
Leica Geosystems – when it has to be right
Leica Geosystems es la empresa líder en el sector de las tecnologías de medición e información y, como tal, lleva revolucionando el mundo de la medición y de la topografía desde hace casi 200 años. Creamos soluciones completas para profesionales de todo el mundo. Leica Geosystems es una empresa reconocida por sus productos innovadores y el desarrollo de soluciones y los profesionales de un amplia variedad de sectores, como la topografía y la ingeniería, la seguridad y la vigilancia y la construcción y la energía, confían en ella para satisfacer todas sus necesidades geoespaciales. Gracias a sus precisos instrumentos, a sus sofisticados softwares y sus servicios fiables, Leica Geosystems realiza a diario una valiosa contribución al trabajo de todos aquellos que están dando forma al futuro del mundo.
Leica Geosystems forma parte de Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B;, un proveedor global líder en soluciones tecnológicas de la información, que incrementan la productividad y la calidad en los sectores geoespaciales e industriales.
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Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg
Tel: +41 71 727 3534