Making sites safer with Leica LOGiCAT VU
Leica Geosystems releases LOGiCAT VU, a management and monitoring system for analysing data from cable avoidance instruments.
Capturing and monitoring of locator activity data has been found to be a highly effective means to influence operator behaviour and is increasingly seen by many as an effective next logical step to further reduce utility strikes.
Combining locator data with analysis software provides a powerful and effective tool for monitoring site operations. Analysing data provides a positive impact on working practices whilst delivering an effective reporting tool for clients, company safety management and operations performance monitoring.
LOGiCAT VU combines that data and analysis for an effective solution.
The link for the app is
A proven track record of cable strike reduction
Utility strikes have gradually reduced through the introduction of Health & Safety initiatives and best practice standards. Advanced digital monitoring systems present evidence of compliance. Data analysis provides hard data with evidence to supporting quality improvement.
With Leica’s DIGiCAT cable locators, utility strike rates have reduced dramatically. Now, with the introduction of Leica’s LOGiCAT VU software, cable locators can be managed and monitored centrally.
Logicat VU helps plant, fleet and site managers to evaluate and analyse the data from one or more cable locators. Logicat VU gives fleet managers a “view” of how the survey was conducted and if it has been undertaken to best practice. The locators positions can be mapped and presented through Google maps, highlighting the path of the survey.
Analysing data has helped fleet managers improve cable locator usage, increased attention to site safety initiative, more effective use of cable locators during excavation, enhanced product familiarisation training and operator behaviour.
Safer job sites result in reduced environmental impact, saving money and time due to reduced utility damage, reinstatement and project deviation costs.
What can the LOGiCAT VU offer?
This new system has many benefits:
1. LOGiCAT VU provides greater insight if Best Practice has been followed
Using just the cable locator on its own, the operator could miss 45 up to 50 per cent of dormant utilities that hold the potential of fatal injury. Undertaking an additional sweep using a signal transmitter to illuminated these inert lines. The fleet manager can evaluate the LOGiCAT VU data and see how and if the Operator has thoroughly undertaken a site investigate, in all modes and with correct accessories, ensuring adherence to best practice.
2. LOGiCAT VU can visualise instrument data on satellite images to support interpretation
GPS enabled cable locator record their co-ordinates alongside usage data. Logicat VU can display field data overlaid on digital map and images. This shows fleet managers where the operator has undertaken the survey to support post survey evaluation.
3.LOGiCAT VU provides clarity for Post Utility Strike Evaluation
In the event of a utility strike, incident report can be produced simply and provide comprehensive and clear view of instruments usage leading up to the incident. Within the report, colours indicate the survey quality, Good (green) and Red (poor).
4. LOGiCAT VU data can be exported to GIS and BIM System
The instruments data can be exported to a third party GIS and BIM software enhancing knowledge about sub surface utilities for future excavation activities
5. LOGiCAT VU requires utility locators with data capabilities
Your DIGiCAT needs to be data enabled. The Ezicat i600, i650, i700 and i750 models collect data through on-board memory. The DIGiCAT i700 and i750 models feature GPS which will enable the instrument to store the geographical position with instrument data.
6. LOGiCAT VU is a free to download and free to use
The LOGiCAT VU app is available through Google Play, with Windows desktop version based platform is free to download through Cable Detection’s website.
On your phone or on your desktop
LOGiCAT VU is available as a mobile device app, providing fast and easy locator data transfer from the field to the office, or as a Windows-based software, enabling locator fleet operations management and compliance reporting.
As a mobile device app, you gain:
Site to office transfer of locator data in a single step
Data transferred via Bluetooth® wireless technology
Available for SMART phones and tablets
Free to download, free to use
Can be installed on multiple devices at no additional cost
On your desktop, enjoy:
Complete solution for managing your DIGICAT fleet
Builds a database of fleet activity
Assess operation quality and operator performance
Reports on best practice performance
Provides incident reports for post-strike analysis
File import from locator, LOGiCAT VU App, email or network server
Use common map formats – GPX, KML and direct into Google Maps
Export to GIS asset management systems
Free to download, free to use Windows based system
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