Data Security

Digital Signature to Authenticate Laser Scanning Data in Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS

Leica Data Security Feature in REGISTER 360 PLUS

As technology expands, so does the ease with which digital evidence for crime, crash, or fire scenes can be forged, altered or manipulated. The judiciary, police and prosecutors require data integrity to be proven and evidence must be authenticated before its introduction at trial. Presented digital files must be genuine.

One way to prove the authenticity of the data is by using write blockers or secure data storage locations. Another way is to encrypt the digital files so that data integrity can be verified and authenticated in a court of law. 

The Data Security feature in Leica REGISTER 360 PLUS uses a digital signature protocol to prove authenticity of all captured files and meets the highest verification requirements.


Contactez nos experts en sécurité publique, sécurité et forensique

What is Data Security

The Data Security feature in Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS software digitally signs RTC360 laser scanning data, protecting them from manipulation and allowing for authentication of the origin of scan files. If there’s an objection to the chain of custody record for the scan data, verification can prove the submitted digital evidence is identical to the initially collected scan data. 

Leica Geosystems’ Data Security feature exceeds the recommendations in “Guidelines for the Use of Terrestrial LiDAR Scanners in Criminal Justice Applications” (Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning Working Group The NIJ, in partnership with the FTCoE.).

Our Data Security protocol has proven to be the best practice for digital evidence handling.

How Does the Data Security Feature Work

When used for the first time, the Data Security feature must be activated onboard the RTC360 laser scanner. It adds a cryptographic digital signature to scans immediately after they are captured and can be verified in the office software Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS. Once activated, the Data Security feature becomes the default for future jobs.

The Data Security feature allows users to activate on-device hashing of data that can be signed to authenticate to a specific device. REGISTER 360 PLUS provides built-in verification and reporting. Each scan signature can be independently verified by hashing the file with any SHA3-256 hash generator.
Leica Geosystems’ Data Security feature has two main components:
 1) Initiate an independent, unique hash (an alphanumeric string) of every scan or piece of data added to the job.
 2) Allow users to “sign” or “hash” the job with an authentic device signature (Public Private Key) upon completion. 

The user can add additional evidence (scan setups) to the job. However, it would require the user to re-sign the files.

The hashing is done with the SHA3-256 protocol, allowing for easy verification of the hash values with open-source apps for transparency.
To simplify the workflow, built-in verification is possible using Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS.


Customer Testimonial Video: Trust but verify. Digital Signature and hashing-on-the-fly for laser scan data

Interview with Kyp Stavrou, CEO and owner of Complete Digital Forensic Solutions, Inc.

In this customer testimonial video, Kyp Stavrou, CEO and Owner of Complete Digital Forensic Solutions and Ryan Rezelle, Leica’s Public Safety Segment Manager US/CAN discuss the critical importance of data security and validation in forensic investigations, particularly within the domain of digital data collection through advanced scanning technology.

Ryan details the transition from manual hash verification to automated processes, a strategic move facilitated by collaboration with Kyp and his partner Jason Latham, Co-founder/Owner Complete Digital Forensic Solutions, Inc. This collaboration underscores the industry's dedication to enhancing data security protocols.

Kyp delves into the specifics of data security, emphasizing its pivotal role in upholding evidence integrity. He outlines the meticulous multistep process of applying digital signatures and employing sophisticated hashing algorithms to scanned data, ensuring robust authentication measures.

The deliberate selection of the SHA3 256-bit hashing is a key decision, symbolizing Leica's commitment to striking the right balance between data security and operational efficiency. Kyp underscores the significance of this choice, highlighting its ability to fortify against potential breaches while maintaining user-friendly operations.

The conversation shifts to the central role of Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS software in validating data accuracy, showcasing the industry's dedication to leveraging cutting-edge technologies for comprehensive data verification. Ryan expresses appreciation for the collaboration's impact on advancing forensic protocols, while Kyp anticipates a future of streamlined data processes in forensic investigations supported by robust data security measures.

White Paper on Data Security: Hashing and digital fingerprint explained

Read in this brand new white paper about the Digital Signature function and how it authenticates and validates laser scanning data in Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS.

In forensic investigations, digital data plays a crucial role, often requiring the use of mathematical algorithms to create "hash values" that act as digital fingerprints for evidence. Recently, there's been a surge in the adoption of laser scanners in forensic examinations.

All terrestrial 3D laser scanners produce data in a digital format, making it possible to generate hash values to represent the collected 3D scanner data. Leica Geosystems has developed software that enables the application of hash functions to scan data through an onboard signing process.

This hash value becomes an integral part of the collected dataset, accessible using Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS software. The software validates the signature to ensure the integrity of the scanner-collected data, confirming that no alterations, damages, or changes occurred during the transfer process.

The process of signing data on a Leica RTC360 scanner and then importing it into the Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS environment underwent thorough testing and validation. Results showed successful authentication of the signed data collected by the laser scanner, with the uploaded data to the software platform remaining unaltered.

This validation process involved both negative and positive controls. Purposeful modifications to signed data were promptly detected by the processing software, triggering visual alerts and specific Audit Reports. This streamlined approach ensures the collection and authentication of forensically valid data without requiring user intervention or additional forensic hardware and software.

Contactez nos experts en sécurité publique, sécurité et forensique

Détermination de trajectoires dans les analyses de lieu de crime avec Leica Map360 et la numérisation laser

Apprenez comment les données de numérisation laser et mesures DISTO™ ont été enregistrées et importées dans le logiciel de création de diagrammes et de reconstitution criminalistique Map360 pour analyser la trajectoire d’une balle, en aidant à confondre le suspect.
Apprenez comment les données de numérisation laser et mesures DISTO™ ont été enregistrées et importées dans le logiciel de création de diagrammes et de reconstitution criminalistique Map360 pour analyser la trajectoire d’une balle, en aidant à confondre le suspect.

Détermination de trajectoires dans les analyses de lieu de crime avec Leica Map360 et la numérisation laser

Apprenez comment les données de numérisation laser et mesures DISTO™ ont été enregistrées et importées dans le logiciel de création de diagrammes et de reconstitution criminalistique Map360 pour analyser la trajectoire d’une balle, en aidant à confondre le suspect.
Apprenez comment les données de numérisation laser et mesures DISTO™ ont été enregistrées et importées dans le logiciel de création de diagrammes et de reconstitution criminalistique Map360 pour analyser la trajectoire d’une balle, en aidant à confondre le suspect.

Détermination de trajectoires dans les analyses de lieu de crime avec Leica Map360 et la numérisation laser

Apprenez comment les données de numérisation laser et mesures DISTO™ ont été enregistrées et importées dans le logiciel de création de diagrammes et de reconstitution criminalistique Map360 pour analyser la trajectoire d’une balle, en aidant à confondre le suspect.
Apprenez comment les données de numérisation laser et mesures DISTO™ ont été enregistrées et importées dans le logiciel de création de diagrammes et de reconstitution criminalistique Map360 pour analyser la trajectoire d’une balle, en aidant à confondre le suspect.

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