Leica DMC-4 Airborne Imaging Sensor

Delivering unsurpassed image fidelity for multiple photogrammetric and remote sensing applications

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Integrated system

The system fully integrates with powerful Leica HxMap end-to-end processing workflow, supporting customers from mission planning and execution to product generation. Installed in the new Leica PAV200 compact sensor mount, the sensor provides highest sensor stabilisation and data collection efficiency.
The system fully integrates with powerful Leica HxMap end-to-end processing workflow, supporting customers from mission planning and execution to product generation. Installed in the new Leica PAV200 compact sensor mount, the sensor provides highest sensor stabilisation and data collection efficiency.

Superior image quality

The DMC-4 features the modular MFC150 optical system and proven CMOS technology to deliver the highest accuracy at faster aircraft speeds. Stable, environment-tested lenses and unique forward-motion-compensation (FMC) deliver crisp, full radiometry in a wide range of operating conditions.
The DMC-4 features the modular MFC150 optical system and proven CMOS technology to deliver the highest accuracy at faster aircraft speeds. Stable, environment-tested lenses and unique forward-motion-compensation (FMC) deliver crisp, full radiometry in a wide range of operating conditions.

Application versatility

The sensor provides the frame geometry needed to support a wide range of applications such as photogrammetry, remote sensing, terrain extraction and vector mapping. Standard (S) and high (H) focal length configurations enable maximum flying height flexibility in restricted access airspaces.
The sensor provides the frame geometry needed to support a wide range of applications such as photogrammetry, remote sensing, terrain extraction and vector mapping. Standard (S) and high (H) focal length configurations enable maximum flying height flexibility in restricted access airspaces.

Watch the webinar to learn more about the benefits of Leica DMC-4.

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