Surveying and Engineering
Practical Tech Solutions for Real-world Surveying Problems
This page provides insights into practical tech solutions for real-world surveying problems, covering topics like managing surveying fleets, ensuring worker safety, and navigating extreme environments. It incorporates insights from experts at Alexander Symonds and Leica Geosystems.
Advancing Vietnam's Geodetic Infrastructure with Nationwide GNSS Reference Networks
Spanning 1,650 kilometres from north to south, Vietnam presents a varied landscape of forested mountains, fertile river deltas, extensive coastline, and rapidly developing urban areas.
An Antarctic Expedition: Monitoring Essential Climate Variables with GNSS
Learn about Dr. Ladina Steiner's Antarctic expedition, where she combined childhood dreams with geodetic research using Leica GNSS equipment and discovered new remote sensing techniques.
Increasing Speed and Accuracy with the Leica AP20: Customer Insight
Expert surveyor and CEO, Arnaud Colin, tested the AP20 across common surveying workflows, experiencing increased speed and accuracy that convinced him to invest.
Securing Total Stations with Leica LOC8: A Success Story from Sweden
Discovering the theft of a brand-new total station is bad enough. Having to halt work on a major infrastructure project because of that theft is a disaster.
Innovative Surveying Technology Helps Speed Pipe Installation and Road Renewal
Read how construction surveyor Alessia used the AutoPole for as-built checks and measuring points to create a 3D model and was faster and safer than ever before.
Training the next generation of Civil, Structural and Environmental engineers
University College Cork utilise cutting-edge surveying equipment to prepare students for entry into the industry
Helping Businesses Grow TriCAD Solutions ltd
Based in Lancashire’s Ribble Valley, TriCAD Solutions ltd. have been trading and growing for almost two decades. The team has built up a sizable client list, carrying out topographic and measured building surveys for architect’s practices across the Northwest of England.
Lord Technical 10 Years iCON
Since 1986, Lord Technical Ltd has been the North East’s leading supplier of all types of
surveying equipment for sale and hire to customers all over the UK and beyond.
Investing in the Leica GS18 I to deliver market-leading solutions
At VA Gruppen AB, part of the recipe for success is learning new technology to deliver market-leading solutions to their customers. Their recent investment in Leica GS18 I has made a positive impact on the surveying speed, amount of data captured and workflow processes in their daily surveying tasks.
Redefining property boundaries in Altstätten, Switzerland
How FKL & Partner AG completed a cadastral surveying project to solve such a boundary record case in Altstätten, Switzerland just a few kilometres down the road from Leica Geosystems’ Heerbrugg site.
Catry Topographie recovers €250,000 of stolen equipment with LOC8, the security solution from Leica Geosystems
How Catry Topography recovered stolen equipment with LOC8, the security solution from Leica Geosystems.
Winning total construction services supported by surveying
How Leica Geosystems instruments provided cost-saving benefits for monitoring and construction applications.
Measuring a world record attempt for highest altitude catch
How Leica Geosystems instruments supported to measure Brendan Fevola with the reigning Guinness World Record holder for highest altitude catch of an American football.
Leica GS18 T expands sites where GNSS can be used
BM Field Co., Ltd., a surveying company in Japan uses the Leica GS18 T GNSS RTK rover in a variety of different sites. The GS18 T has improved their work efficiency, reduced costs and enabled GNSS surveys under more challenging conditions.
Why surveying is more than just a job
Developing the surveying business by staying on top of the latest technological advancements has always been the main prerogative of our surveyor in focus, Alexey Petrin.
Monitoring Melbourne’s railways
City infrastructures are not built overnight. In between planning, design and construction, there are other crucial activities – just like monitoring happening at the same time.
How Warner Land Surveys uses the Leica Nova TS60
From monitoring to survey control and verified surveys, Warner Land Surveys Ltd relies on the Leica Nova TS60 for different projects, including the remodelling of Kings Cross station in the United Kingdom
Measuring the point cloud with a GNSS rover
Takeaways from JTRS Registered Surveyor on the Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK Rover
Surveying Germany’s Biggest Aqua Park
By expanding his surveying portfolio, Keller has been able to provide all surveying services for the plan and construction of a water park in Germany
Surveying to protect Granny’s Bay from coastal erosion
Surveying service provider company offers best-in-class services with positioning, measuring and laser scanning technology
Improving county access to high-resolution imagery
Creating a high-resolution aerial imagery basemap with the HxGN Content Program in the United States
Adding Real Customer Value with the Leica MS50 MultiStation
Discover how WestLAND leveraged its Multistation's scanning capabilities to exceed customer expectations and drive business growth. Read their success stories here.
Beyond Reality. Digital Reality’s Next Frontier
Hexagon’s Geosystems Division President Juergen Dold presented ideas and case studies where the entire planet can be digitised at HxGN LIVE in Las Vegas, USA
Building a better future with measuring technology
Opening opportunities through vocational training, delivering drinking water and building better schools in Tanzania using Leica Geosystems’ construction tools
Measuring aerosols caused by biomass burning
Using Micro Pulse LiDAR, researchers at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement on the remote island of Ascension collected data to understand how biomass burning airborne particles impact the climate
Mapping underwater terrain with bathymetric LiDAR
High-resolution bathymetric surveys support aquaculture research in Canada and increase navigational safety in the Pacific Ocean
Supporting artificial intelligence solution to parking problem
Combining artificial intelligence and orthorectified aerial imagery to create parking lots in Germany
The secret behind AutoHeight
The world’s first function to measure total station’s instrument height with a simple button press
Visualising the destruction, creation of an Atlanta landmark
How Multivista helped transform the Georgia Dome into The Home Depot Backyard in the United States
The not-so-surprising secret to running a successful surveying firm
After being in business for nearly 50 years, Titcomb Associates continues to raise the bar on what it means to provide quality surveying services in the United States
Stolen and recovered within 3 hours
After a long week and a hard day’s work on a Friday evening in June 2019 on a building site in Manchester, PLP Construction’s site engineer had packed up his kit and tools and loaded it into his van and headed to the gym on his way home. After a workout in the gym, on return to his van, it quickly became clear the hired Leica TS16 was missing and had been stolen. The theft was reported to Greater Manchester Police and a crime reference number was provided.
Quarrying a new site entrance
Quarrying a new site entrance using Leica Captivate on-board software for Gallagher Ltd and their customer J & J Franks Ltd
Monitoring the changes of our lifetime
Monitoring climate change with the MultiStation in Greenland.
Surveying and inspecting safely from the air
Inspecting and measuring a dam in Switzerland with an UAV.
Stolen and recovered within 3 hours
After a long week and a hard day’s work on a Friday evening in June 2019 on a building site in Manchester, PLP Construction’s site engineer had packed up his kit and tools and loaded it into his van and headed to the gym on his way home. After a workout in the gym, on return to his van, it quickly became clear the hired Leica TS16 was missing and had been stolen. The theft was reported to Greater Manchester Police and a crime reference number was provided.