Our customers
Doing traditional surveying, monitoring buildings that might collapse, building a digital copy of a dinosaur skeleton — the applications of our solutions are numerous. At Hexagon's Geosystems division, we are honoured to support our customers with a comprehensive portfolio of digital solutions that capture, measure and visualise the physical world and enable data- driven transformation across industry ecosystems.
Here, we feature a few of our users in the field doing what they do best — ensuring a scalable, sustainable future. Share with us how you are solving complex daily challenges using Hexagon solutions. Send us your photos at reporter@leica-geosystems.com to be featured in Reporter.
Steven Couwels, founder and director at Real To Desk Asia, scanning with an RTC360 from an elevating platform in Antwerp, Belgium.
Mar Gonzalez is surveying in breathtaking views in Marina Alta, Spain, using Leica GS18 T.
To monitor damaged structures of burned buildings that might collapse, the Polish State Fire Service uses Leica Geosystems TS16 total stations. By Paweł Krótki, Poland.
"I’m a big believer in getting the best kit for the job," says Paul Bradshaw from the UK — which is why he was among the first to purchase a Liebherr crawler excavator with factory-fitted machine control solution from Leica Geosystems.Geosyst
The light-weight and easy-to-use BLK2GO is making reality capturing child's play. By Kseniia Kirsanova, UK.
Lucas de Ridder and Hugo de Potter capturing the prehistoric iguanodons at the Natural History Museum in Brussels with a Leica ScanStation C10 scanner.
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