UK firm becomes first in the world to adopt new utility detection solution

J. Murphy & Sons Limited adopts Leica DD SMART utility locator

(Milton Keynes, UK, 28 August 2018) – Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, announced today J. Murphy & Sons Limited, an engineering firm specialising in infrastructure solutions, has become the first organisation in the world to adopt the new Leica DD SMART utility locator solution. 

With offices throughout the UK and overseas, Murphy provides engineering solutions including pipelines, design, marine, structural steel, tunnelling, fabrication, bridges and piling to infrastructure projects across a variety of sectors around the globe. The Leica DD SMART utility locator solution was adopted as part of the company’s commitment to “work safer, smarter and simpler.”

“Murphy is always seeking safer ways to break ground and avoid buried utilities, so when Leica Geosystems told us about this latest product, we were delighted to be the first to see it in action. After a very successful trial, we have taken delivery of 150 DD230 utility locators with 150 DA230 signal generators," said Mike Carpenter, director of Murphy’s Plant business. “Along with the DX Shield software, the solution will provide Murphy with a centralised hosted platform for all of our users to establish best practice, potential training requirements and new learning, with both the software and hardware linking seamlessly and wirelessly.”

Better site management from a single-source solution 
With depth estimation up to 10 metres, the Leica DD230 SMART utility locator offers best-in-class locating and tracing performance, using industry-leading digital signal processing to identify underground assets deeper, faster and more accurately than any other system. The new utility locators, paired with DX Shield software, connects tasks and professionals on any jobsite for improved integration. Using GPS and Bluetooth connectivity, users can remotely transfer and access buried utilities data to a hosted service that can be accessed by multiple users across multiple sites. The result is better management of site activities, helping to protect assets, personnel and utilities.

“The Leica DD SMART utility locators and DX Shield software provide a true single-source solution for all field activities. It is a solution we are very proud of, and we are excited to bring it to the market,“ said Steve Scales, utilities sales manager at Leica Geosystems. “It is great to have Murphy as the first company in the world to adopt the solution and we look forward to many more existing and future customers benefitting from this pioneering solution.”

To learn more about the new Leica DD SMART utility locator solution, please visit:  


Leica Geosystems – when it has to be right
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Communications Team
Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg
Tel: +41 71 727 3534

