Leica Geosystems introduces new generation of manual total stations
World’s first AutoHeight feature enables automatic instrument height setting
(Heerbrugg, Switzerland 17 October 2018) – Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, announced today the launch of the new manual total stations, the Leica FlexLine series.
Building on the FlexLine series legacy of quality, durability and low total cost of ownership, the new Leica FlexLine TS03, TS07 and TS10 models are designed to improve productivity in the field by automatically capturing height. Replacing the former manual total stations (Leica FlexLine TS02, TS06, TS09 and Leica Viva TS11), the new series is designed for reliability through extensive testing and comes standard with the latest in UX-focused software, Leica FlexField or Leica Captivate. Enabling quicker field-to-office data sharing, the TS07 and TS10 also offer integration of mobile data devices.
“With the new FlexLine series, Leica Geosystems continues to innovate and find ways to provide increased offerings even with a steadfast solution like their manual total stations,” said Veljko Fuštić of VEKOM Geo, a long-time distributor of Leica Geosystems. “We’re positive our customers will recognise these advancements and benefit from them across a wide variety of projects.”
AutoHeight: Instrument setup made easy
The world’s first AutoHeight feature enables Leica FlexLine TS07 and TS10 users to automatically measure instrument height. AutoHeight uses a laser from the instrument to measure to the ground and automatically passes the right instrument height to the onboard software. It prevents time-consuming manual effort, minimises errors and increases productivity.
“With several decades on the market, we learned a lot from the former FlexLine series and its predecessors, and we used that knowledge to develop the new generation of manual total stations for our customers,“ said Hans-Martin Zogg, Leica Geosystems’ business director for total stations. “Providing the latest software and mobile data connectivity, we want all our customers to benefit from our advanced solutions and realise productivity gains and cost savings on their projects.“
The new Leica FlexLine TS03, TS07 and TS10 manual total stations are being launched at INTERGEO in Frankfurt, Germany. For hands-on demonstrations, visit Hexagon at Hall 12.1, Booth D.023. To learn more about the new TS series, please visit leica-geosystems.com/flexline.
Leica Geosystems – when it has to be right
Mittaus- ja tutkimusmaailmaa jo lähes 200 vuoden ajan mullistanut Leica Geosystems, joka on osa Hexagonia, luo kattavia ratkaisuja ammattilaisille ympäri maailman. Monien eri alojen, kuten ilmailun ja puolustuksen sekä turvallisuuden, rakentamisen ja valmistuksen, ammattilaiset luottavat paikkatietotarpeissaan Leica Geosystemsiin, joka tunnetaan laatutuotteistaan ja innovatiivisista ratkaisuistaan. Tarkoilla ja täsmällisillä kojeilla, pitkälle kehitetyillä ohjelmilla ja luotettavilla palveluilla Leica Geosystems tuo joka päivä lisäarvoa maailmamme tulevaisuuden parissa työskenteleville.
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Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg