Leica Geosystems opens nominations for Carl Pulfrich Award 2017

Prestigious award honours advancements in the fields of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and earth imaging

Carl Pulfrich Award

(Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 30 March 2017) – Leica Geosystems is calling industry related professionals to submit their nominations for this year’s Carl Pulfrich Award, the prestigious industry honour that recognises advancements in the fields of photogrammetry, remote sensing and earth imaging.

Nominees will be considered on the basis of experience, activities in field of photogrammetry and remote sensing, and contributions to the advancement of all aspects of the earth imaging field. Applied work involving hardware systems, software solutions or innovative service activities will also be considered. With the Carl Pulfrich Award, Leica Geosystems continues the tradition of promoting outstanding scientific, application-oriented design and manufacturing ingenuities in the industry.

“We are pleased to support Leica Geosystems in the recognition of significant contributions to the photogrammetry, remote sensing, and earth imaging fields the implementation of which has resulted in the advancement of Earth sciences,” said Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Sörgel, Institute for Photogrammetry, University of Stuttgart and chairman of the Carl Pulfrich Award jury.

How to nominate

Nominations can be submitted by email to Carl-Pulfrich-Price@leica-geosystems.com. Closing time for submissions is 17 July 2017 at 5 p.m. CEST. Nominations received after this time and date will not be considered.

Winners will be announced during the award ceremony at the 56th Photogrammetric Week (PhoWo) in Stuttgart, Germany 12 September 2017.

History of the Carl Pulfrich Award

The biennial award and donation honours the memory of Dr. Carl Pulfrich, a member of the scientific staff at Carl Zeiss from 1890 to 1927. During his tenure, Pulfrich directed the design of the first stereo photogrammetric and surveying instruments from Zeiss.

In its 56th year, the Carl Pulfrich Award has gained worldwide recognition. Past winners include Dr. Christoph Strecha, winner of the 55th award, Prof. Dr. Nicolas C. Coops and Prof. Dr. Norbert Haala, co-winners of 54th award.

For more information about the Carl Pulfrich Award criteria, please visit: http://leica-geosystems.com/about-us/events/carl-pulfrich-award

Leica Geosystems – when it has to be right
Mittaus- ja tutkimusmaailmaa jo lähes 200 vuoden ajan mullistanut Leica Geosystems, joka on osa Hexagonia, luo kattavia ratkaisuja ammattilaisille ympäri maailman. Monien eri alojen, kuten ilmailun ja puolustuksen sekä turvallisuuden, rakentamisen ja valmistuksen, ammattilaiset luottavat paikkatietotarpeissaan Leica Geosystemsiin, joka tunnetaan laatutuotteistaan ja innovatiivisista ratkaisuistaan. Tarkoilla ja täsmällisillä kojeilla, pitkälle kehitetyillä ohjelmilla ja luotettavilla palveluilla Leica Geosystems tuo joka päivä lisäarvoa maailmamme tulevaisuuden parissa työskenteleville.

Hexagon on Autonomous Connected Ecosystems (ACE) -järjestelmiä luovien digitaalisten ratkaisujen maailmanlaajuinen johtaja. Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) -yrityksellä on arviolta 24,000 työntekijää 50 eri maassa, ja sen liikevaihto on noin 5.2 miljardia euroa.Lue lisää osoitteessa hexagon.com ja seuraa meitä @HexagonAB.



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Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg

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