Leica Geosystems announces major performance increase in airborne bathymetric survey

The new Leica Chiroptera-5 bathymetric LiDAR sensor provides 40% higher point density, a 20% increase in water depth penetration and improved topographic sensitivity for generating more detailed hydrographic maps.

(Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 31 May 2022) – Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, announced today the introduction of Leica Chiroptera-5, the new high-performance airborne bathymetric LiDAR sensor for coastal and inland water surveys.

This latest mapping technology increases the depth penetration, point density and topographic sensitivity of the sensor compared to previous generations. The new system delivers high-resolution LiDAR data supporting numerous applications such as nautical charting, coastal infrastructure planning, environmental monitoring as well as landslide and erosion risk assessments.

Higher sensor performance enables more cost-effective surveys
Chiroptera-5 combines airborne bathymetric and topographic LiDAR sensors with a 4-band camera to collect seamless data from the seabed to land. Thanks to higher pulse repetition frequency (PRF), the new technology increases point density by 40% compared to the previous generation system, collecting more data during every survey flight. Improved electronics and optics increase water depth penetration by 20% and double the topographic sensitivity to capture larger areas of submerged terrain and objects with greater detail. The high-performance sensor is designed to fit a stabilising mount, enabling more efficient area coverage which decreases operational costs and carbon footprint of mapping projects.

Leica Geosystems’ signature bathymetric workflow supports the sensor’s performance. Introducing near real-time data processing enables coverage analysis immediately after landing, allowing operators to quality control the data quickly before demobilising the system. The Leica LiDAR Survey Studio (LSS) processing suite provides full waveform analysis and offers automatic calibration, refraction correction and data classification, as well as advanced turbid water enhancement.

Expanding bathymetric application portfolio to support environmental research
Combining superior resolution, depth penetration and topographic sensitivity, Chiroptera-5 provides substantial benefits for various environmental applications like shoreline erosion monitoring, flood simulation and prevention and benthic habitat classification.

Bundled with the FAAS/EASA certified helicopter pod, the system enables advanced terrain-following flying paths for efficient river mapping and complex coastlines surveys. Owners of previous generation systems are offered an easy upgrade path to Chiroptera-5 to add capabilities to their existing sensor and leverage their initial investment.

“The first generation Chiroptera airborne sensor was flown in 2012. During its ten years of operation, the system has seen constant evolution that continuously improved the productivity and efficiency of the entire bathymetric surveying industry,” says Anders Ekelund, Vice President of Airborne Bathymetry at Hexagon. “By collecting detailed data of coastal areas and inland waters, Chiroptera-5 provides an invaluable source of information that supports better decision making, especially for environmental monitoring and management, in line with Hexagon’s commitment to a more sustainable future.”

For more information please visit: leica-geosystems.com/chiroptera-5

Leica Geosystems – when it has to be right
Jo yli 200 vuotta toiminut Hexagon-konserniin kuuluva Leica Geosystems on ensiluokkaisten sensoreiden, ohjelmistojen ja palveluiden luotettava toimittaja. Leica Geosystems on alalla johtava toimija tarjoamalla innovatiivisia ja autonomista tulevaisuutta edistäviä ratkaisuja sekä toimittamalla joka päivä arvoa maanmittauksen, rakennus-, infrastruktuuri-, kaivos-, kartoitus- ja muiden paikkatietosisältöä käyttävien teollisuudenalojen ammattilaisille.

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Teknologiamme vaikuttavat kaupunki- ja tuotantoympäristöjen ekosysteemeihin ja parantavat niiden yhdistettävyyttä ja autonomisuutta – skaalattavaa ja kestävää tulevaisuutta varten.

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Leica Geosystems AG
Kuuluu Hexagon-konserniin
Reka Vasszi


Communications Team
Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg

Leica Chiroptera-5

Combining bathymetric and topographic solution that provides seamless data from water to land.
Combining bathymetric and topographic solution that provides seamless data from water to land.