Leica Geosystems offers new Utility Surveyor Course

Training class seeks to fill skills gap in the industry

Leica Geosystems offers new Utility Surveyor Course in the UK.

(Heerbrugg, Switzerland – 20 November 2018)Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, announced today the launch of a new five-day Utility Surveyor Course provided at its Detection Training Campus in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, UK.


To answer the global surge in demand for fully trained utility surveyors, the course has been developed to provide instruction on digitised utility survey workflows. The course aims to teach the most novice of students how to efficiently and accurately conduct a utility survey from initial client specification through to delivering a fully marked map detailing what lies beneath. The course is conducted through a series of classroom and onsite modules led by trainers with decades of industry experience.


“We have identified a real global need for more highly trained utility surveyors. This became apparent as part of the sales process for our electromagnetic location and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) products,“ said Katherine Broder, Geosystems’ Construction Tools president. “It’s the same all over the world - the need is there but the skillset falls short. With this new course, we can set a new global standard in utility surveyor training, ensuring the people using the equipment understand the process from start to finish.”


Increased demand for utility surveys

A growing global infrastructure needs to be constantly upgraded, repaired and maintained. The lack of highly-trained utility surveyors, however, has been highlighted by the problems faced by operatives on site. Increased sales of avoidance and mapping tools, from Electric Magnetic Locators (EMLs) to GPR in recent years, has emphasised the need for a global training standard, not only for users of the equipment but also for the people planning and carrying out the work. 


The new course will use cable avoidance and tracing instruments, GPR and post-processing software to introduce students to industry solutions. Hexagon has been involved in the detection business since 2000, and cable-avoidance solutions by Leica Geosystems are used worldwide and trusted for their high quality and precision.


The Utility Surveyor Course is now open for registration. To reserve a spot, please visit https://leica-geosystems.com/services-and-support/trainings/detection-campus

Leica Geosystems

Mittaus- ja tutkimusmaailmaa jo 200 vuoden ajan mullistanut Hexagoniin kuuluva Leica Geosystems kehittää kattavia ammattilaisratkaisuja. Muun muassa ilmailun ja puolustuksen sekä turvallisuuden, rakentamisen ja valmistuksen ammattilaiset luottavat laatutuotteistaan ja innovatiivisten ratkaisujen kehittämisestä tunnettuun Leica Geosystemsiin kaikissa paikkatietotarpeissaan. Tarkoilla ja täsmällisillä kojeilla, pitkälle kehitetyillä ohjelmilla ja luotettavilla palveluilla Leica Geosystems tuo joka päivä lisäarvoa maailmamme tulevaisuuden parissa työskenteleville.

Hexagon on anturien, ohjelmisto- ja autonomisten ratkaisujen maailmanlaajuinen johtaja. Hyödynnämme tietoja parantaaksemme tehokkuutta, tuottavuutta ja laatua teollisuus-, tuotanto-, infrastruktuuri-, turvallisuus- ja liikkuvuussovelluksissa.

Teknologiamme vaikuttavat kaupunki- ja tuotantoympäristöjen ekosysteemeihin ja parantavat niiden yhdistettävyyttä ja autonomisuutta – skaalattavaa ja kestävää tulevaisuutta varten.

Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) -yrityksellä on arviolta 24,000 työntekijää 50 eri maassa, ja sen liikevaihto on noin 5.2 miljardia euroa. Lue lisää osoitteesta hexagon.com ja seuraa meitä @HexagonAB.

Communications Team
Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg


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