Leica Geosystems welcomes Dimanor as official distributor in Mexico
Dimanor becomes official distribution partner for Leica Geosystems' construction portfolio, including machine control and construction surveying solutions.
(Mexico, 8 October 2024) Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, and Dimanor, a leading provider of machinery solutions in the agriculture, mining, and construction sectors, are proud to announce their new partnership, which will offer a wide range of solutions to contractors across Mexico.
This collaboration expands Dimanor's portfolio to include Leica Geosystems' advanced machine control solutions, enhancing their offering for the heavy construction industry. Dimanor's extensive coverage in Mexico, spanning states such as Baja California Norte, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Nayarit, Jalisco, Michoacán, Guerrero, State of Mexico, Mexico City (CDMX), and Hidalgo, positions the company to effectively distribute and support Leica Geosystems' innovative solutions, ensuring customers in these regions have access to the latest in construction technology.
"Incorporating Leica Geosystems' advanced machine control solutions into our offering is a strategic move to further enhance the efficiency and productivity of our customers' projects," says Ricardo Ortega, Product Manager. "This partnership aligns with Dimanor's commitment to continuous growth and innovation in the construction business."
"We are delighted to welcome Dimanor as an official distributor," said Evandro Manffra, Director of the Heavy Construction Segment for Latin America at Leica Geosystems. "Their extensive experience and commitment to excellence in the construction sector make them an ideal partner. Together, we are excited to bring our cutting-edge machine control solutions to a wider audience in Mexico, enhancing the efficiency and precision of construction projects across the region."
About Dimanor
Dimanor - https://www.dimanor.com.mx/ - is a company dedicated to the sale, rental, and provision of after-sales services for machinery in the agriculture, mining, and construction segments, representing John Deere and Wirtgen brands in Mexico since 1990. This company is part of Grupo Hema - https://grupohema.mx/ - which is listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange. Dimanor's management team has a clear vision that adding value to their customers' operations is one of the foundations for continued growth in the construction business.
Leica Geosystems – when it has to be right
Med mere end 200 års erfaring er Leica Geosystems, der er en del af Hexagon, den foretrukne leverandør af førsteklasses sensorer, software og tjenester. Leica Geosystems leverer værdi hver dag til fagfolk inden for landmåling, konstruktioner, infrastruktur, minedrift, kortlægning og andre brancher, der er afhængige af geospatialt indhold, og er førende inden for området med innovative løsninger til at styrke vores autonome fremtid.
Hexagon er en globalt førende virksomhed inden for sensor- og softwareløsninger samt autonome løsninger. Vi sætter data til at arbejde for at øge effektivitet, produktivitet og kvalitet i anvendelser inden for industri, produktion, infrastruktur, sikkerhed og mobilitet.
Vores teknologier udformer økosystemer i byer og produktionsmiljøer, så de bliver stadigt mere forbundne og autonome – til sikring af en skalerbar og bæredygtig fremtid.
Hexagons Geosystems-division leverer en omfattende portefølje af digitale løsninger, der registrerer, måler og visualiserer den fysiske verden og skaber mulighed for datadrevet transformation på tværs af branche-økosystemer.
Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) har omkring 24,500 medarbejdere i 50 lande og en nettoomsætning på ca. 5.4 mia. EUR. Få mere at vide på hexagon.com, og følg os på @HexagonAB.
Leica Geosystems AG
En del af Hexagon
Reka Vasszi
Media enquiry:
Andrea Molina
Marketing Representative for Latin America
Leica Geosystems
Andrea Molina
Marketing Representative for Latin America
Leica Geosystems