Improve your surveying skills for highway and road infrastructure

From the essential to the advanced skills, these free resources will teach you how to stake out, align and conduct an as-built survey for roads and highways and much more. Get the hands-on skills that you need for Leica Captivate, Leica Infinity and mobile mapping. The playlist below will get you started with Captivate.

Engineering Surveying tips and insights

Leica Infinity for roads and highways

Learn how to leverage office software to manage data and transfer it seamlessly between the field and the office for road applications.
Learn how to leverage office software to manage data and transfer it seamlessly between the field and the office for road applications.

Mobile mapping for roads and highways

Discover how to increase the efficiency in your road mobile mapping survey through an all-digital workflow. Learn how to extract features for hundreds of kilometres with “one-click.”
Discover how to increase the efficiency in your road mobile mapping survey through an all-digital workflow. Learn how to extract features for hundreds of kilometres with “one-click.”

myLearning – Online learning courses at your fingertips

Our expertly-produced online classes will help you get up and running with many of our solutions. There are numerous online courses – available to all customers with products that have valid Customer Care Packages (CCPs).
Our expertly-produced online classes will help you get up and running with many of our solutions. There are numerous online courses – available to all customers with products that have valid Customer Care Packages (CCPs).


Uanset hvor kompleks din opgave er, så findes der en løsning i vores produktportefølje til opmåling, positionering, visualisering og samarbejde, som kan hjælpe dig med at få succes og være mere effektiv.
Uanset hvor kompleks din opgave er, så findes der en løsning i vores produktportefølje til opmåling, positionering, visualisering og samarbejde, som kan hjælpe dig med at få succes og være mere effektiv.

Få din forretning til at vokse

Find ud af, hvordan du kan udnytte digitaliseringen sammen med teknologier og processer til at styrke din forretning og skabe nye muligheder, forblive konkurrencedygtig og forbedre produktiviteten.
Find ud af, hvordan du kan udnytte digitaliseringen sammen med teknologier og processer til at styrke din forretning og skabe nye muligheder, forblive konkurrencedygtig og forbedre produktiviteten.

Surveying Solutions

Regardless of how complex your task is, a solution is available within our diverse measuring, positioning and visualising portfolio to help you collaborate, be more efficient and succeed.
Regardless of how complex your task is, a solution is available within our diverse measuring, positioning and visualising portfolio to help you collaborate, be more efficient and succeed.

Forbedr dine kvalifikationer

Bliv mere effektiv og udnyt forretningsmuligheder. Udnyt dit potentiale til at tilbyde bedre, hurtigere og mere specialiserede tjenester til dine kunder.
Bliv mere effektiv og udnyt forretningsmuligheder. Udnyt dit potentiale til at tilbyde bedre, hurtigere og mere specialiserede tjenester til dine kunder.