Leica RTC360 3D -laserskanneri
Nopea, joustava ja tarkka 3D-kuvausratkaisu
Leica RTC360 3D -kuvausratkaisun avulla käyttäjät voivat dokumentoida ja kuvata ympäristöjä 3D-muodossa parantaen kenttä- ja toimistotöiden tehokkuutta ja tuottavuutta nopeiden, helppokäyttöisten, tarkkojen ja kannettavien laitteistojen ja ohjelmistojen ansiosta. RTC360 3D -laserskannerin avulla ammattilaiset voivat hallita monimutkaisia projekteja tarkoilla ja luotettavilla 3D-esityksillä sekä kartoittaa kaikki työmaan mahdollisuudet.
- RTC360-ratkaisu on helposti kannettava, erittäin pitkälle automatisoitu, intuitiivinen ja maksimaaliseen tuottavuuteen suunniteltu. Se yhdistää tehokkaasti 3D-laserskannerin, laskentatehoa tarjoavan mobiililaitteen Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 -sovelluksen kuvien tallentamiseksi automaattisesti reaaliajassa sekä Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 -toimisto-ohjelmiston 3D-mallien sisällyttämiseksi tehokkaasti työnkulkuun.
- Kuvaaminen, korkealuokkaiset High-Dynamic Range (HDR) -kuvat mukaan lukien, onnistuu alle kahdessa minuutissa.
- Liikkeiden automaattinen kirjaus asemasta asemaan kuvien esitallentamiseksi kentällä ilman erillisiä manuaalisia toimenpiteitä.
- Kattavampi tietojen tallennus käyttämällä tunnisteita, jotka näyttävät mahdollisuudet suunnittelun parantamiseen, kohteen kuvaamiseen ja tiimien tilannetietoisuuden lisäämiseen.
- Julkaise suoraan tallennetut datasi Cyclone Field 360:sta Leica Truview Cloudiin vaihtaaksesi nopeasti projektitietoja ennen tuontia ja rekisteröintiä.
Leica RTC360 ja Boston Dynamics Spot
Lisävarustepaketti ja suojatanko ovat nyt saatavana! Haluatko tietää enemmän?
Michael Trevino, McGray & McGray Land Surveyors, Inc.
"I don't scan everyday, but when I do I scan with the best".
Seth Gulich, Bowman Consulting
"Love the speed and quality of the RTC360. In just an hour and a half I have 25 scans done of this waste water treatment facility".
Marc Andrew, SUMO Services
"Site data captured by a pair of RTC360's, chosen for speed and quality of images, not to mention the power of Cyclone".
Educational Articles & Insights
What is 3D Reality Capture
Changing the Face of Documentation in the Built Environment
Enhancing Public Safety Through 3D Reality Capture
Improving Industrial Health & Safety with 3D Reality Capture
Improving Documentation and Quality Control in a BIM Environment
Digitising Crime Scenes for Better Visibility and Analysis
5 Reasons Digitally Documenting Crash Scenes Improves Outcomes for Investigators
3D Reality Capture for Piping Design: New opportunities, enhanced understanding
White Papers
Leica RTC360 - SLAM in Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Leica RTC360 - Image Resolution white paper
Leica RTC360 - A new approach to Terrestrial Laser Scanning white paper
Sample Data
Building Construction Site 1
Building Construction Site 2
Public Safety Site
Plant Site 1
Plant Site 2 - Setups 001-009 and Setups 010-015
FAST. AGILE. PRECISE. 3D Reality Capture
Leica RTC360 3D Reality Capture Solution - Plant
Leica RTC360 3D Reality Capture Solution in Budapest
Leica RTC360 Demonstration at HxGN LIVE 2018
Tech Highlight Demo: Leica RTC360
Changing the Game for Public Safety Professionals
Boosting ROI with VIS Technology
Eliminating Registration with VIS Technology
The Power of VIS Technology
Behind the Scenes
Talking RTC360 with Juergen Mayer
VR training for Public Safety
Capturing tags on-site on multiple devices
WIRED Magazine explains bullet trajectory analysis with the RTC360
Put your Plant at your fingertips with laser scanning
PortCoast - Fighting time and tide to capture a 5-hectare coastal construction site in 3D
Portcoast - Delivering precise documentation of Port Phu My with 3D laser scanning
How does laser scanning technology transform the construction industry?
JTRS - Providing high quality & timely services to customers with maximum simplicity
Surveying & Engineering
How Hollis Captures Processes Manages And Delivers Reality Capture Data
Surveying Germany's Biggest Aqua Park
The Full Laser Scan Survey of a Grade II Listed Historic Building
Building Construction / AEC
WD Partners Achieves Breakthrough in AEC As-Builts with Fast, Agile and Precise Laser Scanning
Creating the First Digital Shopping Centre In Peru
Plant & Ships
Revolutionising the Luxury Yacht Building Industry with Laser Scanning
Fighting Time and Tide to Capture a 5 Hectare Coastal Construction Site in 3D
Recipe for Success: 3D Laser Scanning for Tank Inspections
Public Safety
Changing the Game for Public Safety Professionals with the World's Fastest Laser Scanner
Laser Scanning Should Be Required for Every School Building; New Technology Makes It Possible
Leica RTC360 Laser Scanner Satisfies the SAPD Collision Investigations Unit’s Need for Speed
Castaneda Engineering Advances Accident Reconstruction with Next-Generation Reality Capture
Spokane PD Uses High-Speed Laser Scanning to Make Easy Work of a Daunting Seven-Acre Scene
Transforming Reality into Photorealistic Virtual Reality with Laser Scanning
Unveiling the Mystery - An Ancient Water Clock with Laser Scanning
Preserving Romania's Speleological Heritage with Point Cloud and GNSS Data
Expert Insights
To safely say: No crime scene evidence left behind!
Freeze it while it's hot
Discovering the power of laser scanning
Welcoming the RTC360 - In your words
From hardware to software - inside Geosystems' reality capture solutions
A New Development in Laser Scanning Technology
Behind the scenes of the fastest laser scanner on the market
Introducing the new Scanner Live Position feature in Cyclone FIELD 360
Embedding the BLK360 into the 3D Reality Capture workflow
Q&A with BLK360 specialist Andy Fontana on the Cyclone FIELD 360 app
Introducing the Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 app for BLK360
What is the difference between the RTC360 and RTC360 LT
Visual Inertial System (VIS) Technology
Share point cloud data from Cyclone FIELD 360 to TruView Cloud
Integrating the Leica BLK3D into the 3D Reality Capture workflow
Introducing Check & Adjust feature for the RTC360
Cyclone FIELD 360 boosts productivity in the field
Fire scene investigation with the Leica RTC360 laser scanner
Extending the 3D Reality Capture Workflow
Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 Quick Plan simplifies modelling workflows
Leica RTC360 enhancements to increase your efficiency
Customer Insights
Laser scanning from heights
How Element6 delivers the future of plant engineering with laser scanning
Revolutionising Smart Factories with reality capture
Surpassing customer needs with 3D laser scanning
Mapping crashes and collisions at record speeds
Using laser scanning technology for retail redevelopment
Putting the Leica RTC360 LT to the test for boat building and marine applications
Murphy Surveys invests in Leica RTC360
3D laser scanner with automatic in-field pre-registration
Laser scanner comparison chart
Introducing the RTC360
A laser scanner equipped with edge computing technology
Leica Geosystems launches RTC360 and praises Plowman Craven involvement
RTC360 scanner registers your point clouds automatically, in real time, in the field
New laser scanning technology accelerates adoption of digital tank maintenance
Get scanning with the RTC360
Laser scanning helps create effective VR training for public safety in England
Refitting a building in continuous operation with the RTC360
Collision and crime scene surveying - are you ready for the new ISO/IEC standards?
New 3D scanners help officers work quicker and more thoroughly
Laser Scanners
Leica BLK2GO
Leica BLK360
Leica ScanStation P30 / P40
Leica ScanStation P50
Leica Cyclone
Leica CloudWorx
Leica TruView
Leica JetStream
Leica Map360
3D Laser Scanning Accessories