Leica RTC360 3D laser Scanning Reality Capture Solution

Leica RTC360 3D-Laserscanner

Præ-registrer automatisk point cloud-data i marken for at gennemføre kvalitetssikring, forbedre produktiviteten og træffe velbegrundede beslutninger


Reality Capture-teknologien, Leica RTC360, gør det muligt for brugerne at dokumentere og registrere deres omgivelser i 3D, mens de forbedrer effektiviteten og produktiviteten i felten og på kontoret med hurtigt, brugervenligt, nøjagtigt og bærbart udstyr og software. RTC360 3D-laserscanneren er den professionelle løsning til håndtering af kompleksiteter i projekterne med nøjagtige og pålidelige 3D-repræsentationer og undersøgelse af mulighederne på ethvert arbejdssted.

  • Den meget bærbare, højt automatiserede og intuitive RTC360-scanner er designet til maksimal produktivitet. Den kombinerer RTC360 med en højtydende 3D-laserscanner, Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 mobilenheds-appen til avanceret databehandling med automatisk registrering af scanninger i realtid samt Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 kontorsoftwaren, så din 3D-model integreres perfekt i dit workflow.
  • Registrer scanninger, herunder indholdsrige HDR-billeder (high dynamic range), på under to minutter.
  • Registrer bevægelserne fra station til station automatisk for at præregistrere dine scanninger i marken uden manuel indgriben.
  • Tilfør værdi til dataregistreringen med informationstags til illustration af muligheder for bedre planlægning, beskrivelser af virkeligheden på opmålingsstedet og bedre overblik over situationen for teamet.
  • Publicer direkte dine optagne data fra Cyclone FIELD 360 til Leica TruView Cloud for hurtigt at udveksle projektinformation inden import og registrering.


The Leica RTC360 laser scanner makes 3D reality capture faster than ever before. With a measuring rate of up to 2 million points per second and advanced HDR imaging system, the creation of coloured 3D point clouds can be completed in under two minutes. Plus, automated targetless field registration (based on VIS technology) and the seamless, automated transfer of data from site to office reduce time spent in the field and further maximise productivity.


Small and lightweight, the Leica RTC360 scanner’s portable design and collapsible tripod mean it’s compact enough to fit into most backpacks, ready to be taken anywhere. Once on-site, easy-to-use, one-button operation makes for fast, hassle-free scanning.


Low noise data allows for better images, resulting in crisp, high-quality scans that are rich in detail and ready for use in a range of applications. Combined with Cyclone FIELD 360 software for automated registration in the field, the Leica RTC360 scanner offers outstanding precision that can be checked on-site.

Registraton in the field

As part of the RTC360 solution, the Cyclone FIELD 360 app links the 3D data acquisition in the field with the laser scanner and data registration in the office with Cyclone REGISTER 360 PLUS. On-site the user can automatically capture, register and examine scan and image data. The user interface combines easy handling of complex calculations with a graphical user guidance that offers a remarkable user experience, also for novice users.

Michael Trevino, McGray & McGray Land Surveyors, Inc.

"I don't scan everyday, but when I do I scan with the best".

Seth Gulich, Bowman Consulting

"Love the speed and quality of the RTC360. In just an hour and a half I have 25 scans done of this waste water treatment facility".

Marc Andrew, SUMO Services

"Site data captured by a pair of RTC360's, chosen for speed and quality of images, not to mention the power of Cyclone".

Data Sheets

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Reality Capture Case Studies

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Our reality capture solutions visualise any environment as it is so you can model with accuracy and precision.

Opmåling – brancheside

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The Power of Scanning

Quality is a tradition, built deep within our DNA. We have a commitment to excellence and exceptional attention to detail.

Quality is a tradition, built deep within our DNA. We have a commitment to excellence and exceptional attention to detail.

Image Resolution White Paper

A laser scanner that collects over 400MP of HDR images: This exclusive white paper explains how the RTC360 collects images of the full field-of-view using 12MP cameras.
A laser scanner that collects over 400MP of HDR images: This exclusive white paper explains how the RTC360 collects images of the full field-of-view using 12MP cameras.

Laser Scanning Comparison Chart

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Which 3D laser scanner is right for you?

Reality Capture Nyhedsbrev

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Abonner på vores globale nyhedsbrev for at holde dig orienteret om de seneste nyheder i Reality Capture.