3D visualization is crucial for Public Safety and Forensics. Software makes it simple
An interactive platform to manage and visualize complex information empowers everyone involved in a case.
In Public Safety and Forensics, precision, efficiency, and comprehensibility of data are non-negotiable. But traditional methods of representing the crime scene data such as PowerPoint presentations and 2D diagrams can fall short because they rely heavily on an audience’s ability to mentally construct a 3D scene.
That’s where Leica TruView, a 3D visualization tool, proves its worth. Leica TruView redefines the way forensic data is visualized, providing a detailed, easy-to-navigate, 360-degree virtual environment.
Real-time visualization
Mark Johnson has spent more than 30 years working on geospatial forensic recreations. As a former trial lawyer who is now CEO of the 3D forensic visualization and animation firm Visual Law, Mark is keenly aware of the role technology can play in transforming litigation. He notes the power of how TruView enables users to explore and measure within a point cloud created from high-definition laser scans, providing a true-color, detailed, and highly immersive 3D environment.
“The ability to navigate this extreme level of detail on a point cloud in real time is amazing,” he says. “Real-time visualization is going to be the lingua franca of 3D from now on, and Leica has the ability to generate the level of data that can be incorporated into those real-time systems.”

Efforless data sharing
TruView offers public safety professionals an effortless import of 3D scan data and provides an interactive platform for users to manage and visualize complex information. Users can place evidence photos, audio, video, and witness text directly into the scene.
When data needs to be shared with an expert witness or within a legal team, the ease of TruView’s intuitive, free software means that people with no previous experience with 3D tools can access and easily navigate the environment from any browser on any device. This makes it suitable for a variety of users, from the expert witness to the prosecuting attorney to a juror viewing the virtual crime scene.
Forensic data visualization requires a user-friendly and accessible way to manage and share crime scene information in 3D. Thanks to software like TruView, achieving this goal is easy.