Integrating the well-known Traverse workflow into 3D laser scanning technology

Familiar total station workflows for surveyors

Traversing is a workflow most commonly used by surveyors and is well-known with modern total stations to establish a network of control points. It is a series of positions to measure angles and distances backwards to known positions and forwards to new positions. Based on trigonometric calculations, the coordinates of the new stations are derived from these measurements.

After listening to surveying professionals who understand the benefit of traversing workflows from their total stations, Leica Geosystems integrated a specific traversing application into the Leica ScanStation P-Series survey-grade 3D laser scanners. This dedicated traverse application provides users with the ability to create a network of control points. Each control point serves as a new station for additional scans and point clouds can be directly registered to the control network in the field.

How does the Traverse application work?

The Traverse application on the ScanStation P-Series delivers a wizard-guided workflow to create a traverse similar to modern total stations. Users can work with linear traverses and closed loop traverses, with the ability to calculate open, closed and adjusted traverses. It helps to manage the input of all required information, such as station name, instrument height, name of backsight, foresight and side view targets. It also supports the measurement of all scanned elements in the correct order to ensure the traverse can be calculated successfully.

Results are displayed directly after calculation so that the user can make an immediate decision directly in the field if possible traverse errors and accuracy inconsistencies are detected. Thus allowing users to leave the field with peace-of-mind that the survey was conducted with the expected accuracy. From each new station, scans, images, target scans or user-defined scans can be taken during the traverse workflow or afterwards by surveying workflows based on the new coordinates. This means that all the resulting point clouds are captured within the coordinate system as defined by the traverse and no additional steps are required to register them.

Post-processing the data

After data import in Leica Cyclone point cloud processing office software, the point clouds of each station are available immediately, registered to each other, and geo-referenced to the reference coordinate system. No further steps for registration are needed.

Surveyors often have to deliver data that is registered to a job coordinate system (e.g. a construction grid). This data is required onsite without delays by office post-processing.

The Traverse application assists in getting registered, geo-referenced point clouds quickly by a ‘total station like’ procedure. New stations can be created easily and quickly to scan objects from any requested direction.

What’s unique about the Traversing application?

The Traverse application on the ScanStation P-Series is unique for terrestrial laser scanners (TLS) and no other terrestrial laser scanner in the market today offers such a solution. Additional features such as active target acquisition, a laser plummet and a dual-axis compensator of the highest accuracy are mandatory for this application

How to get access to the Traverse application?

The Traverse application is a factory-standard feature of each ScanStation P-Series laser scanner. No installation or licence is required to run and operate it, and can be used in any laser scanning project where needed.

Want to know more?

To learn more about how to improve your skills with 3D laser scanning, visit our website.

Peter Glueck
Product Manager, Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Reality Capture Division 

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