Leica Infinity and Geo Office

Preparing for Leap Second 2016

Infinity GeoOffice Detail
Leica Infinity and Geo Office

Infinity retrieves and automatically stores the information about new leap seconds as soon as mdb or RINEX are imported. No extra work is required by the user.

Geo Office retrieves and automatically stores the information about new leap seconds as soon as mdb are imported. No extra work is required if you import an mdb data set at least once. If you only use RINEX data, the new leap second will not be considered automatically. In this case, your must install a registry key file to make this information available to LGO (download this file here, unzip it, copy to the LGO machine and double-click on the *.reg file).

If data are correctly acquired, stored and exported from the receiver, the post processing will not be impacted by the introduction of the new leap second.

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