Hexagon adds England, Scotland and Wales to the HxGN Content Program
Hexagon adds England, Scotland and Wales to the HxGN Content Program
(Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 14 July 2021) Hexagon's Geosystems division announced today that the HxGN Content Program now offers aerial imagery of England, Scotland and Wales at up to 12.5-centimetre resolution through its partnership with Bluesky International Ltd.
The addition of Bluesky’s data provides instant access to various datasets of Great Britain:
- Current high-resolution imagery ranging from 12.5 cm to 25 cm depending on area of interest
- Historical imagery offerings dating back to 2006 available for custom order
- Convenient access by a single storefront along with Hexagon’s existing coverage of Europe and North America
“Bluesky is a long-standing, trusted partner of Hexagon, and we’re excited to integrate its high-quality aerial imagery into the HxGN Content Program,” says John Welter, President, Geospatial Content Solutions at Hexagon. “Through this partnership, Hexagon customers can gain real-world insights of Great Britain for confident analysis and decision-making. The initiative is an excellent example of how we enable our partners to participate in our global program while they serve their local customers.”
“We are delighted to partner with Hexagon on their HxGN Content Program, enabling users around the world to access and stream Bluesky aerial imagery directly into their geospatial applications,” comments Rachel Tidmarsh, Managing Director of Bluesky International. About 229,040 square kilometres of new data were added to the program, and it is now available through the HxGN Content Program’s Data Store for pixel download and streaming via OGC-compliant WMS/WMTS, SOAP, and REST protocols.
The HxGN Content Program offers the largest library of high-resolution 4-band aerial imagery and elevation data across Europe and North America. The data is orthorectified, accurate and available at multiple resolutions. The program follows rigorous acquisition and processing standards to offer high positional accuracy for a variety of applications. The data consistency over large areas enables automatic feature extraction and analytics with AI and machine learning. Flexible data use terms allow users to create derived products.
Further information visit: hxgncontent.com.
Hexagon är ett världsledande företag inom digitala verkligheter skapade genom sensorer, mjukvara och autonoma lösningar. Vi sätter data i arbete i syfte att öka effektivitet, produktivitet och kvalitet i lösningar för tillverkningsindustrin, infrastruktur, säkerhet och mobilitet.
Våra teknologier gör ekosystem i städer och produktion mer uppkopplade och autonoma vilket bidrar till en skalbar och hållbar framtid.
Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) har omkring 24,000 anställda i 50 länder och en omsättning på cirka 5.2 miljarder EUR. Läs mer om oss på hexagon.com och följ oss på @HexagonAB.