What is Detection?

Join the Leica Geosystems Utility and GPR expert, Steve Davies, taking you through the basis for a good detection workflow.

16 april, 12:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Join, Steve Davies, the Leica Geosystems Global Trainer, in a webinar introducing to the detection tools portfolio.  
In this 35-minute webinar, Steve's industry experience of Utility and GPR Surveying takes you through the basics of what Detection is all about. The first in a series of webinars, this simple introduction looks at the following four main topics. 

Highlights include:
• What do we mean by Detection.
• Why do we have or want Detection.
• How Detection tools help us to avoid utility strikes.
• How we can use Detection tools in a workflow.

This first webinar is a non-technical look at the Detection equipment and because of that, it is open to everyone. Watch now and learn what Detection is and how it can benefit  you and your environment.


Detection Campus

Vår Detection Campus ger dig en grundlig inblick i vår omfattande portfölj av detekteringslösningar
Vår Detection Campus ger dig en grundlig inblick i vår omfattande portfölj av detekteringslösningar

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