Webinar: Utility Detection Survey - Project from A to Z - GPR

Join the Leica Geosystems Utility and GPR expert, Steve Davies, taking you through a Utility Detection Survey - Project from A to Z - GPR

11 juni, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Join Detection Expert, Steve Davies in the second part of the webinar series from planning through to execution of a utility survey project to get the best results from EML and GPR.

In this 45-minute webinar,  Steve continues to give an A-Z overview of what is involved in completing his Utility Survey.  This time focusing on completing the mapping process for the network, using GPR and GNSS tools. Maybe a few tips thrown in like last time and generally what is involved to get results. Steve will use Leica DS2000, Leica GG04 Plus / Leica iCON gps 60/ Leica Zeno20 and Leica DSX for site work, Unext, IDS Gred HD, CAD.

Topics include:
Collecting EML data digitally, 
Catch up with the sonde and trace rod.
GPR data collection, working with a grid, working with and without GPS, verifying EML results with GPR.
Check out the onboard GPR software functions.

Join us on July 2nd for the final webinar of this series wehre we look at the data, sort it out and prepare the final outputs and reports.

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Vår Detection Campus ger dig en grundlig inblick i vår omfattande portfölj av detekteringslösningar

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