Kostas Bartjokas - Meet a driver of smart change

Project Manager and Team Leader with Machine Control Division

Hexagon Geosystems is shaping smart change driven by people working to close the gap between what is and what should be. To recognise the faces of smart change, we interviewed Kostas Bartjokas, Project Manager and Team Leader for Leica Geosystems Machine Control Division, to share with us his work-life balance, career lessons, fun facts and more.

What is your role at Leica Geosystems and for how long you have been working with the company?
Project Manager and Team Leader since 2011(2007-2011 with SBG-Hexagon)

How has Leica Geosystems helped you in career development?
Being part of the journey to merge, align and grow companies from several locations and countries to become the Machine Control Division, has been a once-in-a lifetime opportunity for me. It has been a constant learning for how to understand, collaborate and lead people from many different cultures and countries.

What do you enjoy most about working at Leica Geosystems?
Our customers’ feedback on the high quality of our solutions, our international working environment and that one working day is never like the other, there is always “action” at work.

How do you balance your career at Leica Geosystems, and your personal life?
With personal time management, frequent workout at the gym and by having the right support from my manager.

What are the career lessons that you have learned so far working at Leica Geosystems?
Working in an international and multicultural environment that is open, direct and supports honest communication is the key to success - the rest is “just technology”.

How do you define success?
Reaching the goals you setup in life and business.

What advice do you have for prospective Hexagon Geosystems candidates?
Be prepared for constant change which will make your working life exciting and motivating.

What does true leadership mean to you?
Inspire a shared vision, Model the way, Enable others to act, Challenge the process, Encourage the heart.

Fun facts

Favourite book:
Psychology for project managers, by Leif E Andersson

Favourite ice cream flavour:
Chocolate with chocolate

Favourite quote:
“It’s nice to be important but it’s more important to be nice”

Favourite meal:
Chicken or beef vindaloo, I love Indian food.

Your motto:
“Learn today, lead tomorrow”

People would be surprised if they knew:
My original education was to work as a captain in the marine. Once I got my diploma, I met my wife, moved to Sweden and started working in the IT business.

Best vacation you’ve been to?
A cruise from Miami to Bahamas and the Virgin Islands

If you were stuck on an island what three things would you bring?
Toothbrush, a knife and lots of coffee (hope we mean a desert island).

What is the first concert you attended?
Eric Clapton

Where is your hometown?
Stockholm, Sweden

Shape the future with us

We offer attractive jobs all over the world, contact us for further career information.
We offer attractive jobs all over the world, contact us for further career information.

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We want to speak to talented individuals with integrity who will help us deliver our ambitions across all locations.
We want to speak to talented individuals with integrity who will help us deliver our ambitions across all locations.