Instant reality capture from your perspective with a streamlined end-to-end workflow.
The Leica BLK2GO PULSE is a handheld first-person laser scanner. Instantly capture what you need, when you need it, from your point of view. Using new, advanced reality capture technology, the BLK2GO PULSE delivers complete, colourised point clouds to your smartphone while you scan with no post-processing required. Used in combination with the BLK Live app, the BLK2GO PULSE fuses Leica Geosystems’ proven GrandSLAM technology with dual solid-state Time-of-Flight (ToF) LiDAR sensors to deliver a complete reality capture solution.
Key Features:
- First-person scanning: See what you capture from a first-person scanning perspective. Colourised 3D data is streamed in real time to your smartphone screen.
- Instant data availability: Immediately view and share colourised 3D point clouds and images from the field, as easy as sharing a photo or video.
- Intuitive BLK Live companion app: With a smartphone (iOS or Android) attached to the scanner, access a streamlined end-to-end reality capture workflow in the BLK Live app.
- Smart scanning guidance: In-app notifications provide real-time guidance to ensure optimal scanning practices.
- Upload to Reality Cloud Studio, powered by HxDR: Easily upload scans from the field to Reality Cloud Studio, Hexagon’s cloud-based digital reality application for automated registration and meshing, immersive visualization, collaboration, and secure data sharing and storage.
BLK Live app: Your window into reality
The BLK Live app is your window into reality capture with the BLK2GO PULSE. With your smartphone attached to the scanner via Quad Lock, you will intuitively see what the scanner sees and view complete point clouds while you scan. You can use 3D first-person view, top-down 2D view, or use both view states simultaneously. Smart scanning guidance provides on-screen notifications to help you optimise your scanning. And you can easily manage, export, and share your data.
What is a first-person scanner?
A first-person scanner mimics the field-of-view of human eyesight and streams data from the scanner’s sensors to your smartphone screen while you scan. It is a remarkably intuitive workflow that enables you to scan what you see. With PULSE technology – a unique fusion of GrandSLAM with dual Time-of-Flight (ToF) LiDAR sensors created in collaboration with Sony – the BLK2GO PULSE captures uniform point clouds and colorizes them instantly with no post-processing required.

BLK2GO PULSE er ment å skulle brukes innendørs. Opprett digitale 3D-tvillinger og 2D-gulvplan eller høyder på null komma niks. BLK2GO PULSE er ideelt for rask, enkel laserskanning når du trenger oppdaterte mål og visualiseringer.
BLK2GO PULSE strømmer data fra skannersensorene direkte til smarttelefonen, slik at du ser det samme som skanneren. Sikt inn BLK2GO PULSE på området du ønsker å skanne, og registrer fargekodede 3D-punktskyer med en gang. Du kan deretter jobbe med og dele dataene dine på smarttelefonen direkte.
BLK2GO PULSE har en integrert spesialtype skanning: solid-state Time-of-Flight (ToF) LiDAR, som avgir en «impuls» med laserpunkter fra skanneren flere ganger i sekunder. Denne impulsen bestående av flere tusen simultane laserpunkter, leverer straks en enhetlig punktsky.
BLK2GO PULSE muliggjør en intuitiv, rask og enkel dynamisk skannearbeidsflyt på stedet. Registrer scener med et detaljert visuelt first-person-brukergrensesnitt i BLK Live-appen, like enkelt som du gjør videoopptak på smarttelefon.
BLK2GO PULSE leverer data som kan brukes, deles og eksporteres eller lastes opp til skyen øyeblikkelig etter registrering. Last opp data til Reality Cloud Studio (levert av HxDR): vår skybaserte visualiserings-, samarbeids- og lagringsapp for automatisert registrering og meshing i sanntid.
BLK Live-følgeappen tilbyr first-person-perspektiv og kontroll over BLK2GO PULSE. Det er her du ser det samme som skanneren. Fargekodede punktskyer leveres direkte til BLK Live-appen på smarttelefonen, uten behov for etterbehandling.